Information Systems Ethics (Cyberethics) Dr. Robert Chi Department of Information Systems California State University, Long Beach
What is Ethics? Definition The importance of Integrity Ethics in the business world
Ethics for IT processionals and IT users IT professionals –Professional Codes of Ethics –Professional Organizations –Certification –Government Licensing IT users –Common Ethical Issues for IT Users –Supporting the Ethical Practice of IT Users
Computer and Internet Crime IT security incidents: A worsening problem –Increasing complexity increases Vulnerability –Higher computer user expectations –Expanding and changing systems introduce new risks –Increasing reliance on commercial software with know vulnerabilities
Reducing Vulnerabilities Risk assessment Establishing a security policy Educating employees, contractors and Part-time workers Prevention Detection Response
Privacy Protection and the Law The right of privacy Recent history of privacy protection
Key Privacy and Anonymity Issues Governmental electronic surveillance Data encryption Identity theft Consumer profiling Treating consumer data responsibly Workplace monitoring Spamming Advanced surveillance technology
Case Study 1 RFID Elicits Fears of “Big Brother” Technology
Case Study II UK Government Comes under Trojan Horse Attack
Case Study III Computer Associates Is Forced to Clean up Its Act