S ELF -D ETERMINATION P RESENTATION By: Deserie Ortiz and Andy Arias
W HAT I S S ELF -D ETERMINATION ?? Self-determination is a combination of attitudes and abilities that lead people to set goals for themselves, and to take the initiative to reach these goals.
W HO ARE WE ? OUR PERSONAL STORIES Deserie Ortiz How did I get here? Andy Arias How did I get here?
O BSTACLES WE HAVE O VERCOME Andy Arias: Driving Foster care Stigma Deserie Ortiz Regaining my independence Acceptance School
Disability History Roberts contracted Polio at the age of fourteen, which required him to use a powered wheelchair. First student with a severe disability to attend Berkeley in Lead the Center 0f Independent Living in 1975 Viewed as the Father of Independent Living, movement that empowers people with disabilities to be self-determined January 23 rd is recognized as Ed Roberts Day, est Ed Roberts Justin Dart Jr. Justin Dart was diagnose with Polio at the age of 18. Attended college and received his Masters Degree. Known as the “father of the ADA”. He helped develop the Americans with Disability Act(ADA). Which protects the rights of people with disabilities.
S ELF -D ETERMINED Y OUTH Who we were? YLF What is it? Who we are now!!! Our Future YO! Disabled and Proud
W HAT CAN YOU DO ? Demonstrate Disability Etiquette in your classroom Teach Disability History/Awareness Educate Parents/Staff Encourage students to get involved!!!
Resources YO! Disabled and Proud: DMC: SCRS: CFILC: YLF: Autism Speaks: Autism Therapies: Pacer:
C ONTACT US AT … Andy Arias Systems Change Advocate/ Youth Coordinator Ph: 714/ ext: 356 Deserie Ortiz Youth Services Specialist Ph: 562/ ext. 121