INTRODUCTION ICT Ethics, Security & Policy Issues Policy is acceptable use of guidelines Ethics is the right and wrong of IT (Information Technology) usage Security is a measures from anti-theft, anti-virus, anti-hacker, anti-fraud CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
Ethical vs. Legal Issues Sometimes have a definitive answer Determination is made by others (not you) Ethical issues: You determine your course of action The law doesn’t make it “right”, Being “right” doesn’t make it legal Q Legal – attempt to codify ethical behavior; it lags; changes over time, reactive to society Ethics – part of society, part of us We will note more differences as we progress CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES ETHICS, POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES Ethical Issues Ethical 1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. 2. in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp., the standards of a profession. Examples: Should companies collect and/or sell customer data? Should IT specialists monitor and report employee computer use? CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES Ethical Principals Three useful ethical principals: An act is ethical if all of society benefits from the act. An act is ethical if people are treated as an end and not as a means to an end. An act is ethical if it is fair to all parties involved. CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
The main ethics for computer professionals Are experts in their field, Know customers rely on their knowledge, expertise, and honesty, Understand their products (and related risks) affect many people, Follow good professional standards and practices, Maintain an expected level of competence and are up-to-date on current knowledge and technology, and Educate the non-computer professional CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES Frameworks for Ethics Two basic frameworks consequence-based Priority is given to choices that lead to a “good” outcome (consequence) The outcome outweighs the method rule-based Priority is given to following the rules without undue regard to the outcome Stress fidelity to a sense of duty and principle (“never tell a lie”) Exist for the benefit of society and should be followed CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age Privacy - right of individual to control personal information Accuracy – who is responsible for the authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of information? Property – Who owns the information? Who controls access? (e.g. buying the IP verses access to the IP) Accessibility – what information does an organization have the right to collect? Under what safeguards? 1: CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES COMPUTER ABUSE COMPUTER ABUSE Computer abuse includes Hacking, dissemination of software Worms, software Viruses, Trojan Horses (program that introduces viruses to computers), etc. CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
DOMAINS OF ICT SECURITY ICT Security Targets The Following Domains: Appropriate Use Of ICT Systems Privacy & Confidentiality of Data Integrity of ICT Systems Protection of all ICT related Hardware, Software and Facilities ICT Systems Functionality CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
DETAILS OF ICT SECURITY 1. APPROPRIATE USE OF ICT SYSTEMS Effective ICT Security measures ensures that ICT systems are used as intended. 2. PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITY OF DATA Effective ICT Security measures protects the confidentiality and privacy of consumer and institution data and prevent copyright violations 3. INTEGRITY OF ICT SYSTEMS Effective ICT Security Systems ensure that Data remains uncompromised. CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
DETAILS OF ICT SECURITY (contd..) 4. PROTECTION OF ALL ICT RELATED HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FACILITIES Effective ICT Security systems preserve the integrity of all ICT related systems and facilities including hardware & software, communication capabilities, and network systems. 5. ICT SYSTEMS FUNCTIONALITY Effective ICT Security systems optimize functionality of ICT systems in all circumstances. CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES
CONSEQUENCES OF ICT ETHICS, POLICY & SECURITY VIOLATION ICT Systems are essential and increasingly indispensable for efficient, timely and cost-effective socioeconomic, including educational transactions. They typically represent significant investments. ethical, policy & or security breaches can result in significant liability. Hence, ethical, policy and or security breaches must attract consequences consistent with ethical standards and institution policies. CIIT---ETHICS,POLICY AND SECURITY ISSUES