El abecedario en español By: Malinda Seger Coppell High School Coppell, TX
El alfabeto
Las vocales A E I O U
ba be bi bo bu da de di do du
fa fe fi fo fu ja je ji jo ju
la le li lo lu ma me mi mo mu
pa pe pi po pu sa se si so su
Cecilia cereal city As you can hear, the sounds of the vowels stay the same no matter what consonant comes in front of them. BUT, there are two consonants that when placed in front of the vowels do not follow the same pattern. Pronounce the following words in English: cinema The “c” in these words sounds like an “s”. In English, when a “c” is followed by an “e” or an “i” the “c” changes to the sound of an “s” instead of the hard “c” sound as in “cat”, “cot” and “cut”. The SAME thing happens in Spanish!
Gerald giraffe gigantic Now read the following words in English that begin with the letter “g”: gist The “g” in these words sounds like a “j”. In English, when a “g” is followed by an “e” or an “i” the “g” sometimes changes to the sound of an “j” instead of the hard “g” sound as in “gate”, “got” and “gun”. There are lots of exceptions though (which makes English pronunciation very confusing at times for students who are learning it as a second language). In Spanish the SAME thing happens basically except the “g” sounds like the English “h”.
ca que qui co cu ga gue gui go gu
queque quiqui guegue guigui The “u” is silent in each of the following combinations of letters. They are the ONLY ones in Spanish that have a silent letter.
Here are a few other reminders to help you to pronounce Spanish correctly: h = (silent) SpanishEnglish j ll ñ v z = = = = = h y ny (as in canyon) b s
Las vocales AEIOU ¡El burro sabe más que tú!
Las vocales A E I O U el burro se va el burro se fue el burro está aquí el burro soy yo el burro eres tú