Don’t Look Now (1973) Nicolas Roeg Drive (2011) Nicolas Winding KATIE DINNAGE Examples of Mise en Scene
Setting / Location Country house Wealthy Quiet/peaceful Far from people: help Excluded/isolated City at night Establishing shots Typical of thrillerDark Exuerbrates how alone he is This establishing shot of the city at night (which is tpical of thrillers as it holds mystery – and its where most thrillers are set) emphises how alone he is, as he is just in a car driving around, and cars are shown as a tiny specks. The setting here is a country house, home for the main characters. The house is quiet and isolated, far away from other people. The large house also implies that the couple are wealthy.
Props Tooth pick Doesn’t care Hard/dangerous Cool Tooth picks are used by those who don’t care about what other people think about them. For this man, it’s excatly the same: making him seem threatening. Chewing it also links to him broodiness. Ball Doll Toys Characterisation Innocence Young Have to guess his state of mind as his face gives no clues The toys that the girl carries are typical of a young child, that brings attention to her age and innocence.
Costume & Makeup Gang member Scorpian-dangerous Driving jacket Metallic- tough/hard At first glance it looks like the jackets stunt drivers wear (and he is one) but looking more into it, it looks like a jacket given to gang members. This gives him a dangerous and tough look – the scopion and metallic material add to this. Red Blonde hairShiny Innocence Focus on her Girl Young Dead Colour of blood The colour of this girls coat is red (colour of blood which could be foreshadowing her death), this brings the audiences focus to her as she is the only brightly clothed person in this scene, highlighting her significance in the storyline.
Figure Expression Serious Same expression throughout opening sequence From his facial expression we can tell that he has something on his mind and is mulling something over. It looks like a mask, where behind it much is going on. All this sparks the curiosity in the audience, so they want to know why he is so moody. Loner Something to hide? Mulling over something Sudden realisation Horror Wide eyes Open mouth Preoccupied This is the moment when he suddenly realises that his daughter is in danger. His eyes are wide and his face has dropped in horror. From this fast reaction the audience are shocked along with him and wonder why he is so frightened – which we find out later.
Lighting / Colour Without seeing the film, I would assume that this character has a split personality or is troubled. I have come to this conclusion as he is lit with white light on one side, but his shadow on the other, is bathed in a dark blue light. Dark Light Surrounding darkness Eerie Blue White Dark Eerie The reflection in the water of the girl could be forshadowing her drowning later in the scene. The colours around her are dark and dull, and her bright coat is the focus of the picture. Bright coat