Adjectives Adjectives tell us more about nouns (someone or something). An adjective usually comes before a noun. Examples: John lives in a new house. ( adjective) (noun) She tells an exciting story. ( adjective) (noun) I met a handsome man. ( adjective) (noun)
Adjectives An adjective usually comes after a verb ‘to be’. The following are different forms of the verb ‘to be’: am, is, are, was, were, shall be, will be. Examples: Your house is large. (verb) (adjective) That insect is tiny. (verb) (adjective)
Oder of Opinion and Fact Adjectives Adjectives like big, new, old, large, round, brown, Malaysia, wooden are Fact Adjectives. They give us objective information about something. (e.g. : its age, size, shape, colour, origin, material) Adjectives like beautiful, pretty, cute, ugly, attractive, interesting are Opinion Adjectives. They tell us what someone think of something. (e.g. :its quality, appearance)
Oder of Opinion and Fact Adjectives Notice the order when opinion and fact adjectives are used together. Opinion adjectives usually appear before fact adjectives. Examples: John lives in a beautiful, new house. (Opinion) (Fact ) (Noun) Meena is the pretty, plump, short, Indian girl (Opinion) (Fact ) (Fact) (Fact) (Noun) standing over there.
Oder of Opinion and Fact Adjectives Articlea, anthe Opinionbeautifulcute FSizebiglittle aAgeoldnew cShaperoundoval tColourbrownwhite OriginMalaysianEuropean Materialwoodenleathered Nounchairpurse
Fact Adjectives Size and colour are two groups of fact adjectives which we use very commonly. When we use both before a noun, we follow this order and do not use a comma or and: 1 2 Example: There is a big yellow hat on the shelf. There is a tiny white pearl in the oyster. SIZECOLOUR bigyellow tinywhite
Fact Adjectives When we use two fact adjectives from the colour group, we place and between them. We can use the adjectives in any oder. Examples: Her shoes are black and brown. Her shoes are brown and black. The word colour is not used after a colour adjective. Example: the red colour book. false the red book. true