Shelter Meeting 10a s hosted by IOM Shelter Meeting Day 1
Welcome, agenda, introductions Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre
Welcome, agenda, introductions your name, role and organisation
Welcome, agenda, introductions Breaks 11:0030 minutes 15:3030 minutes Lunch 13:001 hour Aperitif 18:00 New Shelter Centre office Flags exit Palais des Nations Place des Nations Shelter Centre Office
Welcome, agenda, introductions How many for dinner tonight? 19:30 Buvette des Bains restaurant Directions are provided in your welcome pack Unfortunately Shelter Centre is unable to pay for participants Bus stop Gare Cornavin Buvette des Bains restaurant Bus stop Navigation
Join the Shelter Community
The benefits of Participate in discussions Job vacancy listings Resources Join the Shelter Community
To join the Shelter Community: 1. A Shelter Centre volunteer will be available at breaks 2. They will take 5 minutes of information + your picture 3. We will create an account for you 4. We will you your login information
! Feedback Please fill out your feedback forms after each session Don’t forget to return the forms to a Project Assistant before you leave
Arrival and coffee Welcome, agenda, introductions Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre Welcome address, Rudolf Muller UN/OCHA ‘Shelter after Disaster’ guidelines Isabelle de Muyser-Boucher,UN/OCHA, Carlo Gherardi, Shelter Centre GFDRR – advancing the knowledge agenda for DRM, Christoph Pusch, World Bank Owner-driven housing reconstruction Sandra d'Urzo, IFRC Introduction to sector resources breakout groups Tom Corsellis, Shelter Centre Coffee Break Breakout groups Breakout groups feedback and conclusions Lunch Charles Setchell, USAID/OFDA Cluster guidelines Nuno Nunes, IOM Shelter research unit: mapping, testing and developing Kaat Boon, Benelux Red Cross Societies Announcement Shelter effect video and campaign Sandra d'Urzo, IFRC Coffee Break Proposals Shelter Tools Theo Schildermann Practical Action Shelter community website and library Tom Corsellis, Alan Palazzolo Shelter Centre Shelter Meeting dinner: Bain des Paquis 18:00 19:30 Aperitif at new Shelter Centre office until 19:00 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 09:15 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:15 – 11:45 11:45 12:15 13:15 – 14:15 14:15 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:20 – 15:50 15:50 17:05 17:35 Agenda Day 1
Regional workshop project preliminary introduction - Regional Partners only (14:30 ICT) Arrival and coffee Plenary Regional technical capacity advisory group (15:15 ICT) Announcement 1st Housing Forum Europe and Central Asia Mario Flores Habitat for Humanity Urban shelter guidelines Martin Suvatne NRC Monitoring recovery Kaat Boon Benelux Red Cross Societies Plenary Introduction to inter-sector breakout groups Tom Corsellis Shelter Centre Coffee break Inter-sector break-out groups Top 10 inter-sector priorities, Feedback and Conclusions Lunch Shelter to Housing: emerging issues in the urban context, Lee Malany American Red Cross From shelter relief into permanent housing: how do we get there in Haiti? Mario Flores Habitat for Humanity Assessment Oyvind Nordlie NRC Coffee break Evaluation in Pakistan Shelter Centre ‘Transitional Shelter’ guidelines, Shelter Centre ‘Shelter Projects 2009’ Sandra d'Urzo IFRC, Esteban Leon UN Habitat ‘Shelter Projects 2009’ launch reception, UN Habitat Agenda Day 2 08:30 – 09:00 09:00 09:15 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:45 13:15 – 14:15 14:15 14:45 15:15 15:45 – 16:15 16:15 16:45 17:15 17:45
After coffee this morning there will be parallel breakout groups There will be an introduction to each group prior to coffee Sign up sheets outside, attended by shelter centre staff– on your way to coffee please indicate which group you wish to participate in After coffee, we will meet back here and you will be guided to the appropriate locations Breakout groups
Welcome, agenda, introductions Thank you UN/OCHA for hosting Shelter Meeting 10b Thank you DFID for funding Shelter Meeting 10b, the Urban Guidelines and the Shelter after Disaster guidelines !