Multicellular Primary Producers Seaweed, marine plants, seagrasses, salt marsh plants, mangroves
What is seaweed? Are Seaweeds plants? No they are algae. Algae is a protist
What is algae? Algae are photosynthetic, like plants. Algae are"simple" because their tissues are not organized into the many distinct types found in land plants. Algae is either micro algae or macro algae Macro algae is called “seaweed” Macro algae Micro algae unicellular multicellular
Structure of Seaweed Thallus Lacks vascular tissue, roots, stems, leaves Frond, or blade Holdfast, NOT ROOTS Stipe Gas bladders
importance of algae
Importance of Algae 70% of foods, beverages, cosmetics, personal care, pet care, etc... items in an average shoppers cart have algae ingredients. Yummy………. The cell wall of algae provides carrageenan: Thickening agent used in our products: spirulena as a food
Algae good for people?????
Macroalgae “Seaweeds” 3 types of seaweed Red Brown Green Based on light capturing pigments: Red and Brown algae can thrive in deeper waters.
Algae is not always good for you Long Island toxic algae shellfish closing now open Moviemaker Alfred Hitchcock appears to have drawn some inspiration for one of his classic thrillers, "The Birds," with the help of toxin-producing algae.
Reproduction of Algae Asexual Sexual: Reproduce through__________
Name that algae, Red, Green, Brown? Micro or Macro?
Name that algae, Red, Green, Brown? Micro or Macro?
Name that Algae Red, Green, Brown? Micro or Macro? Background is a kelp forest
Name that Algae Red, Green, Brown? Micro or Macro?
What Criteria did you use to classify algae
Importance of Algae Take 5 minutes look through your notes: Class work 1. 9. 2. 10. 3. 11. 4. 12. 5. 13. 6. 14. 7. 15. 8. 16.
Marine Flowering Plants/different Algae General characteristics they are just like land plants (angiosperms) they have: Vascular tissue Roots, stems, leaves Seeds and fruits Examples Seagrass beds Salt marshes Mangrove forests Mangrove forest in Florida Keyes
Seagrasses Maintain water clarity, trapping sediments with leaves. They stabilize the bottom with their roots They provide shelter for fish, shellfish. manatees, urchins, conches and sea turtles, eat seagrass blades..
Eel Grass beds on Long Island
Salt Marsh Plants Marsh Plants Spartina alterniflora Main marsh plant found On LI estuaries. 60% to 80 % of the commercial marine fisheries resources depend on estuaries for part of or all of their life cycle.
How does the water travel on Long Island How does the water travel on Long Island? What is the importance of salt marshes?
Salt Marsh Plants Once destroyed on Long Island as “waste” property to develop and build homes; now they are preserved. Why? Long Island, Note preserved and Unpreserved land Stony Brook Cedar Beach, Miller Place
Forests of the Tide At the intersection of land and sea, mangrove forests support a wealth of life, from starfish to people, and may be more important to the health of the planet than we ever realized.
Mangrove video on mangroves
Characteristics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Characteristcs