Dossier 1 – How was commerce organized during the era of the first occupants? Chapter 2 – Economic development
Jacques Cartier ► When Cartier first arrived in Newfoundland, he initiated the first international trades between the Europeans and the North American Natives. ► However, these exchanges were more then just economic activities, they were also the beginnings of for political and military alliances.
Amerindian Trading Systems ► In the 16 th century, the Iroquois and the Algonquians had developed a complimentary system between their different cultures. ► The Iroquois offered their surplus food with the Algonquians for their surplus hunting. ► Most of these trades occurred during the summer (for obvious reasons!)
The European Fisheries ► Jean Cabot was actually the first European to “discover” Newfoundland in ► Newfoundland was a great find because European fishermen would catch the fish and dry it on the large rocks of the shore, salt it and take it back to Europe. ► The main reason for this economic venture was the demand caused by Catholic religious holidays.
The European Fisheries ► Whale hunting also became a large market at this time, as whales provided a huge source of bone, oil and other products. ► When the fishermen would stop-over in Newfoundland to dry their catch, they would invariably come into contact with the Amerindians.
The Beginning of the Fur Trade ► Like the Iroquois and the Algonquians, trade usually develops for mutual benefit. ► When the European fishermen and the Amerindians came to know each other – they started to trade with each other. ► Mainly, the Natives had furs to sell and the Europeans had knives and pots. ► This is known as a BARTER SYSTEM.
The Beginning of the Fur Trade ► The Europeans were somewhat obsessed with the beaver pelt, trading knives and valuables for anything they could get their hands on. ► The Natives thought they were a little nuts.
The Beginning of the Fur Trade ► Because animal fur like the beaver was much more valuable then dried fish, these pelts soon became the main cargo being sent back to Europe. ► This is not to say the fishing stopped! But it was no longer the only economic activity going on…
The Beginning of the Fur Trade ► Pierre Chauvin was granted the first monopoly of the fur trade in 1600 – he founded his outpost at Tadoussac, but it was abandoned by ► However, Tadoussac remained a trading post for the Amerindians even after the Europeans left.
WORKBOOK pages 57-58