` Mrs. Naughton’s Band Lessons June 10, 2013 Period 712:44 Cadet Ensemble B Period 8 1:27 Jr. Knights 4
ATTENTION! Grade 5 th, 6 th & 7 th PRMS Fall Sports (girls’ soccer, boy’s soccer, girls’ cross country, boys’ cross country & field hockey) Sign-ups May 20, 2013 to May 31, 2013 Forms Distributed starting the week of June 3, 2013 All sports forms must be completed and sent in to the nurse by August 23, 2013 First Try-out September 9, 2013
Attention all Field Day talent show participants Attention all Field Day talent show participants: Tomorrow is the talent show rehearsal. Please go to the Media Center at 3 PM. Be prepared to perform your full 3 minute talent in costume. Please bring your music and/ or instruments as well. If you do not show up, you will be removed from the talent show. Check the performance list on Mrs. Schwartz’s room door (C108) for roster updates.
Starting on Wednesday, the student council is hosting the last Anti-Bullying Spirit Week of the year! Wear spirit wear from Thursday, June 13 th through Wednesday, June 19 th to earn points for your Field Day team. The spirit days are as follows: Starting on Wednesday, the student council is hosting the last Anti-Bullying Spirit Week of the year! Wear spirit wear from Thursday, June 13 th through Wednesday, June 19 th to earn points for your Field Day team. The spirit days are as follows: Thursday, June 13 th : Twin Day (dress identical to a friend) Friday, June 14 th : Neon Colors and Sunglasses Monday, June 17 th : Mix-it-up Day (Wear miss-matched clothing) Tuesday, June 18 th : Crazy Sock Day Wednesday, June 19 th : SPIRIT DAY! (Wear your field day team colors- either silver or black) Wednesday, June 19 th : SPIRIT DAY! (Wear your field day team colors- either silver or black)
MATH OLYMPIAD I wanted to share some exciting news with everyone. Our 4 th and 5 th Grade Math Olympiad team received a plaque for scoring in the top 10% of the world!!! Member schools are located in 49 states, 9 American territories and approximately 25 foreign countries. Over 105,000 students on nearly 5,000 teams participated in Math Olympiad this year. The top scorers in each grade receive a trophy. Our top scorers are: 4 th Grade – Hari Shankaran 4 th Grade – Hari Shankaran 5 th Grade – Aanya Gupta 5 th Grade – Aanya Gupta
Attention all 8 th grade students: Many students have not handed in their dance permission slips, which were due April 30. If your permission slip is not handed in to Mrs. DiGiuseppe by tomorrow, June 11, you may NOT attend the dance. If you are planning to leave school early on Friday, remember that you cannot leave before 12 noon or you will not be able to attend the dance. If you are absent from school on Friday, you may not attend the dance.
FIELD DAY TALENT SHOW If you are performing in the Field Day talent show, please re-check the performance list on Mrs. Schwartz’s classroom door, room C108. There have been some changes regarding the order of performers. If you are performing in the Field Day talent show, please re-check the performance list on Mrs. Schwartz’s classroom door, room C108. There have been some changes regarding the order of performers. There will be a talent show run through on June 11 th from 3PM- 5PM. Please see Mrs. Schwartz by Monday if you have a conflict with the date. If you are absent for the run-through, you will not perform in the talent show. There is NO student council meeting next week. Our last meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, June 18 th at 7:40 PM in room C102.
LOST AND FOUND ITEMS All unclaimed lost and found items will be donated to charity on Friday, June 14 th.