All Things Digital Digital Humanities, Digital Resources and Humanities Computing
Digital Resources on the Web British Library Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi William Blake Archive Early English Books Online EEBO Perseus Old Bailey On-Line
Digital Humanities Electronic editions On-line databases Publishing medium Research tools New methodologies – new questions? Communication/collaboration. It concerns how all of the above are used in scholarly research.
What is Humanities Computing? Not new – Father Robert Busa, Index Thomisticus. Huge and varied spectrum of disciplines. Source data are the products of human hand and mind. Took a long time for computer hardware and techniques to advance Digitised sources + computing tools + appropriate knowledge.
Humanities Data Text Numerical Data Images Sound Moving Images Spatial Data Means of rendering content visible – Metadata. (SGML, XML, TEI)
Computing Tools Methods common to all disciplines Discovering – Communication Annotation Comparing Referring - linking Sampling – search by query-sampling Illustrating – elucidating, diagrams etc Representing - publishing
Online communities Antiquist: an online community of people working with computing in the heritage sectorAntiquist Digital Classicist : humanities computing applied to research into the ancient worldDigital Classicist Digital Medievalist: medievalists working with digital mediaDigital Medievalist Humanist: an electronic seminar on the application of computers to the humanitiesHumanist
Courses to follow AV1003 Second year modules (level 5) AV2001: Texts in the Digital Humanities (15 credits 1st semester) AV2002: Databases in the Digital Humanities (15 credits 2nd semester) AV2012: Research methods in the digital humanities (15 credits 2nd semester) Third year modules (level 6) AV3000: Independent research project in the digital humanities (30 credits full year) MA Programme see course pages: herehere