Chapter 6 The Duel for North America,
France Finds a Foothold in Canada France looks to the West Religious conflict 1598 – Edict of Nantes Louis XIV.
France exploration Samuel de Champlain and Quebec (1608)
Natives in Canada Huron Iroquois Confederation
New France Fans Out The Coureurs de bois Fur trade The Jesuits Antoine Cadillac Detroit, 1701 Robert de La Salle Louisiana
The Clash of Empires The first four world wars (1688 to 1763) King William's War, Queen Anne’s War, King George’s War, The War of Jenkins's Ear
: War of the League of Augsburg -King Williams War French and Indian raids on New England frontier New England attacks Canada
: War of the Spanish Succession Queen Anne’s War Border raids between British and French colonists Following 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Britain provides colonies with decades of salutary neglect. Expansion of British interests (Mercantile Economy/colonial smuggling)
George Washington Inaugurates War with France Anglo-French Conflict Americans fire the first shot Fort Necessity
Global War and Colonial Disunity The Seven Years War Britain and Prussia v. France, Spain, Austria and Russia The Albany Congress, 1754
Braddock’s Blundering and Its Aftermath General Braddock Fort Duquesne Braddock’s Blunder The “Buckskins” Scalping parties
Pitt’s Palms of Victory William Pitt – the “Great Commoner” take command, 1757 General James Wolfe The Battle of Quebec – 1759 The peace of Paris – 1763
Restless Colonists British Colonists – baptized by fire Intercolonial disunity Discovery of the “fellow American”
Americans – A People of Destiny The British and the Tribes White Encroachment Settlers cross the Appalachian Mountains The Proclamation of 1763
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 1763 Biological warfare? Smallpox blankets