Top 10 reasons why you are proud to be an Ai-ban club member Man Grace
You can say 'Ai' anywhere, anytime without a red face Reason Number 10
Receive free e-card on your birthday Reason Number 9
Your chance of getting 'famous' on the WWW is better than winning the Lotto Reason Number 8
Your aibanese mailbox storage is larger than yahoo and hotmail combined Reason Number 7
Have an excuse from the neighbors when practicing on your 'Karaoke' before the reunion party Reason Number 6
Can go to party for weeks by yourself without his or her consent Reason Number 5
It's your turn to ask your jealous neighbor to take care of your plants, pick up your mails while you are out of town having fun with friends Reason Number 4
Your second 'HOME' is Reason Number 3
No membership, no censorship, the only ship you need to know about is FRIENDSHIP Reason Number 2
One word, 'KET'..... Reason Number 1… and now, Ladies and Gentlemen,