Mapping Objective San Diego is composed of community planning areas (CPAs). Maps will look at: licensed childcare centers, which serve children until kindergarten (0-4). the capacity of existing licensed childcare centers to see what CPAs are underserved. Maps will compare median family income and lack of service to identify CPAs in greatest need of licensed childcare centers.
Skills used: Layout1: Licensed Childcare Centers in San Diego Community Planning Areas insert map geoprocessing: joined of median family income to San Diego census tracts; spatial join of San Diego census tracts to San Diego CPAs; clipped licensed childcare centers to San Diego CPAs; dissolved freeway layer so northbound and southbound labels became one for each freeway. Layout 2: Capacity Licensed Childcare Centers in San Diego Community Planning Areas insert map aggregated attribute fields: created capacity of childcare centers within CPA by adding capacity of each center; created percent of children served by summing total number of children 0-4 in a CPA and then divided capacity of CPA by total of children 0-4. graduated symbol: after aggregating total capacity of childcare centers within CPA, represented capacity with graduated symbols. Layout 3: Children 0 to 4 Not Served by Licensed Childcare insert map attribute sub-sets selection: created layer of CPAs where less than 20% of children 0-4 are served by licensed childcare centers, queried PCTpop0to4 <0.2 graduated symbol: represented median family income with graduated symbol. Layout 4: insert map index: created new index for CPAs in most need of licensed childcare centers based on income and percent of 0 to 4 year olds not served, based on natural breaks determined in ArcMap (income 100=6) attribute sub-sets selection: created layer of CPAs with more than 20% of population 0 to 4 served. PCTpop0to4 > 0.2; created layer of CPAs with less than 20% served PCTpop0to4 < 0.2. boundary sub-sets selection: created layer of licensed childcare centers within CPAs with over 20% of population 0 to 4 served. SOURCES SANGIS, SANDAG, AmericanFactfinder SF3, TIGER
Tasks for the Final Further look at CPAs where less than 20% of 0 to 4 population are served by licensed childcare centers. Possible next steps: look at racial demographics of CPAs look within CPAs where less than 20% of 0 to 4 population can be served by licensed childcare centers further break these down into census tracts to identify specific demographics of these areas and location of these sites