INTRODUCTION Malaria is weidly known human disease. Caused by infection with pathogenic protozoan parasite of blood, the Plasmodium. female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium from person to person Serving as carrier host Drives certain proteins from human blood, important in egg formation.
Distribution :-cosmopolitan parasite, wide-spread in tropical and temperate countries. Habitat :- Endoparasite, found in blood of man, also found in alimentary canal and salivary glands of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Habits :- Intracellular parasite.
ASEXUAL CYCLE AND SCHIZOGONY IN MAN Life cycle of plasmodium in man consist of two phase: Exoerythrocytic or hepatic schizogony Erythrocyctic schizogony
EXOERYTHROCYTIC SCHIZOGONY Inoculation or Infection. Structure of sporozoites. Liver schizogony. Pre- erythrocytic phase. Exo- erythrocytic phase. Pre-patent and incubation periods.
ERYTHROCYTIC SHIZOGONY Includes following stages Trophozoite stage. Signet ring stage. Amoeboid stage. Schizoint. Formation of gametocytes
SEXUAL CYCLE OF PLASMODIUM IN MOSQUITO Development of gametocyte in the mosquito stomach involve two important events. Sexual cycle sporogony a. Gametogenesis :- Formation of male gametes Formation of female gametes
b. Fertilization:- cone of reception is formed. Male gamete penetrates the female gamete through this cone. Gametes fuse to form diploid zygotic nucleus or synkaryon. Zygotes formed in stomach of mosquito about 9 or 10 days after the blood meal. c. Ookinete :-zygote start elongating and undergoes changes and becomes 15-20 micro meter and 3micro meter thick, worm like motile organism called vermicule or ookinete. Becomes enclose in cyst. Encysted zygote is called oocyst.
SPOROGONY Oocyst undergoes asexual multiplication known as sporogony. Nucleus divides by mitosis, forming about 10,000 daughter nuclei, within 2-3 days. Spindle shaped body is formed called sporozoites.
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