Employee Recognition and Wellness Benchmarking Project Healthy Workplace Champions June 29, 2009
2 Goals of this project: Recognize valued behaviours and service Assist managers at all levels in providing recognition Motivate employees, highlight and reinforce valued behaviours that contribute to the overall success of our employees and the institution Increase employee and manager participation in recognition programs Expand awareness of, and encourage participation in health and wellness practices to improve employee health, job satisfaction, and engagement
3 Team Research and Activities Internal Research –Reviewed survey results and statistics –Conducted focus groups with employees External Research –Researched websites and surveyed organizations –Conducted site visits to Penn State University & Statistics Canada –Attended conferences: Recognition Professionals International, and Healthy Workplaces –Reviewed recognition and wellness models Recommendations –Joint –Wellness –Recognition
4 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Model the way Support participation in programs Play an active role Provide resources Communicate the importance of participation Have a policy on well-being Have goals in the strategic plan Support and hold managers accountable
5 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Two cross-functional and cross- level committees* Recognition Workplace wellness Report to senior level executive committee Vertical and horizontal representation across organization Chaired by a senior manager * The original recommendation to have two committees has evolved and, as a result, one committee has been formed. The Healthy Workplace Committee will oversee health and wellness initiatives as well as recognition initiatives.
6 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Education plan for managers at all levels Foster healthy workplace Coaching on how to deliver recognition Develop separate Leadership & Management Development Program for supervisors Workshop for non- managers/supervisors Tailored to meet unique culture in our faculties
7 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Develop strategy Across all levels of the organization Work with University Communications & communications officers in faculties Face to face dialogue Website Posters, flyers, newspaper articles, interviews with champions
8 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Internal: Athletics, Health Services, Communications External: City of Ottawa, Royal Ottawa Hospital, Great-West Life Networking with other organizations & universities Professional memberships Share resources Assist in identifying needs Program delivery
9 Joint Recommendations Strong Leadership Committee Education Communication Partnerships Joint Events Demonstrate appreciation Showcase healthy workplace initiatives Annual Employee Appreciation & Workplace Wellness Day Sub-committees to organize events Broad range of activities Include retirees & dependents
10 Workplace Wellness Recommendations Determine employee health needs and preferences Prepare a workplace wellness program Explore offering fitness programs at alternate locations Offer programs to address mental health, & cardiovascular issues Review and communicate Carleton’s policies and procedures to promote work-life balance Monitor and evaluate wellness programs on an ongoing basis Establish a full-time coordinator
11 Employee Recognition Recommendations Recognize milestone anniversaries starting at 5 years Expand recognition awards program to be more inclusive Expand the awards program beyond one annual day event Develop tools, guidelines, & tips to help departments, managers, & individuals to create their own programs Monitor and evaluate recognition programs on an ongoing basis
12 Conclusion There are many compelling arguments for organizations to have comprehensive healthy workplace and recognition initiatives. These positive initiatives can reduce health costs, help the recruitment and retention of top talent, and foster the desire and overall ability to perform. The overall goal is to help Carleton University provide the best experience for its employees and students, and we believe that by implementing these recommendations, Carleton University will be better positioned to achieve this goal.
13 Next step Implementation plan