Motivation Pat Eglinton
Agenda Motivation: Importance and Examples Supporting Points Intrinsic Motivation How do you motivate employees? What really motivates people? Exercises and Practice Routines
Motivation: Importance and Examples Motivation is key to ensuring the long-term success of an organization Traditional standards of motivational techniques, including command and control, are no longer viable options New techniques must be evaluated and implemented to retain a workforce that is motivated and engaged
Motivation: Importance and Examples Cont’d Chick-Fil-A has a strong corporate culture that emphasizes trust Southwest Airlines boasts a company culture rooted in the individuality of its employees that are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas AptarGroup places a large amount of emphasis on communication and employee involvement
Motivation Articles: Intrinsic Motivation How do you motivate employees? What really motivates people?
Intrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation (long-term) relies on the individual’s desire to perform the task for its own sake individual’s intrinsic motivation will increase by enhancing their feelings of competence and self-determination Use of delegation and empowerment Extrinsic motivation (short-term) is based upon a system of contingent rewards These are deemed negative reinforces Thus, use low-powered incentives in combination with empowerment to initiate a more trusting interaction
How Do You Motivate Employees? Hygiene or dissatisfaction-avoidance factors I.e. company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, salary, status, and security Intrinsic motivators: job satisfaction Achievement, recognition for achievement, the work, responsibility, and growth or advancement An organization’s work should be enriched to bring about the most efficient use of personnel “vertical loading”: motivator factors are integrated into the job
What Really Motivates People? Traditional motivational techniques no longer effective Merit pay plans, balanced scorecards, annual performance reviews Now we must consider the following alternatives: Become a values-driven organization: Create a trusting environment where others feel safe to tell the truth – hold all to this standard. Expect your employees to work with limited supervision or rule. Create an environment that promotes selfless behavior. Create a safe environment: The environment should encourage individuals to share ideas – even those that are unpopular. Individuals should feel like they can be honest and new ideas should be celebrated. This will promote the idea of innovation. The environment should promote an open-door policy where people are free to ask for help, regardless of role Expect people to be responsible and accountable: Expect this without supervision and show appreciation for individual contributions. Encourage everyone to do his/her best: Expect people to design, monitor, and measure processes. Promote continuous improvement through “constant experimentation.
Exercises and Practice Routines: Global Vote What Word Best Describes You?
Global Vote Rate the following statement on a scale from 1-7…. We tell each other the truth We respect one another We seek to understand one another We support one another We are trustworthy
Global Vote The value of this exercise is that team members can calibrate each other team member's attitudes, beliefs and convictions on these very important team relationship dimensions. This will guide individual team members in determining the best way to deal with one another when these dimensions come into play later as the team continues to form.
What Word Describes You Best?
Were you surprised with your chosen ultimate word? How about the other 9 words that you chose to describe yourself? Did you struggle to come up with words or in contrast did you have difficulty leaving words out? What did you think of other people’s words? Were you inspired by theirs?’ If you had a chance to go through this exercise again, would other people’s choices influence you to pick something else? What does this suggest about you?