Fascism in Italy BIG Idea: Economic and political chaos caused by WWI and the Great Depression led many Europeans to support powerful dictators during the 1920s and 1930s.
TotalitarianismItaly, Germany, and Russia went from the total war of WWI to gov’ts aimed at total control over every aspect of citizen’s lives. Gov’ts kept sweeping wartime powers permanantly.
Dissatisfaction in Italy Didn’t get new territory after WWI Economic downturn Mass unemployment Mass unemployment
Benito Mussolini Italian fascist dictator Offered something for everyone. Protection of property for the owners. Protection of property for the owners. Employment for the workers. Employment for the workers. Promised to restore the glory of ancient Rome. (Nationalism) Used violence to gain power.
What is fascism? Fasci: a symbol for power used in the Roman Empire.
Fascism Glorification of the state, subjugation of the individual. Single-party system with a strong ruler. Anti-democratic Anti-democratic Protects private property and the class system.
Assignment: Fascism in Italy Assignment: Fascism in Italy ELT: Compare and contrast the characteristics of various political systems throughout history. What was Mussolini’s rule like in Italy? “Fascism in Italy” Reading and Crossword Reading and Crossword
Fascism in Germany
Weimar Republic After defeat in WWI, the German Kaiser abdicated and a democratic republic was formed Political instability: many distrusted Weimar leaders who accepted the treaty of Versailles. “Stab in the Back” Theory “Stab in the Back” Theory
Economic instability: WWI blockade and reparations made the depression even worse in Germany. Hyper-inflation: Gov’t printed more and more money.
Nazis National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) (NSDAP) Who does this name try to appeal to? Who does this name try to appeal to?
Hitler Blamed Jews and Communists for defeat in WWI. Wanted to unite all Germans as the “master race” to rule the world. Voted into power with his promise to end unemployment and restore German military might.
Hitler in Power Used violence to consolidate power. Brownshirts (S.A.): private army Brownshirts (S.A.): private army Gestapo: secret police Gestapo: secret police Ended democracy and most personal freedoms. Regulated the economy.
Propaganda Stressed militarism and devotion to the state and it’s leader. Modern, Mass Prop.: Press, radio, & movies. Hitler Youth: indoctrinating children to the Nazis.
Early Jewish Policy Stripped of citizenship in Kristalnacht: physical attacks and destruction of property in Sent to concentration camps.
Destruction of a Jewish business on Kristalnacht.
Jews arrested during Kristallnacht line up for roll call at Buchenwald concentration camp.
Assignment: Mein Kampf Reading ELT: Giving examples of how philosophical beliefs have influenced various aspects of society throughout history. How does totalitarianism seek to control citizen’s thoughts? Let’s take a look at Hitler’s views on propaganda as stated in “Mein Kampf.” Let’s take a look at Hitler’s views on propaganda as stated in “Mein Kampf.”
Works Cited Broken Shop Windows USHMM Photo Archive. Web. 11 Mar Children Playing with Money. Private collection. Web. 10 Mar Dollar Toilet. Private collection. Web. 11 Mar eugeniusz,. Unknown Kitler Private collection. Web. 14 Mar Ewiger Jude Film Private collection. Web. 11 Mar Farah, Mounir A., and Andrea B. Karls. World History The Human Experience. New York: Glencoe/McGraw Hill, Print. Fasci. Private collection. Web. 10 Mar Flag of the Weimar Republic. Private collection. Web. 10 Mar
Hitler eating watermelon. Private collection. Web. 14 Mar Hitler head bob. Private collection. Web. 14 Mar Lincoln Memorial Fascia. Private collection. Web. 10 Mar Mussolini and Hitler. Private collection. Web. 10 Mar NAF,. Just wait till your Fuhrer gets home! Private collection. Web. 11 Mar Nazi Child. Private collection. Web. 14 Mar Nazi Propaganda Poster. Private collection. Web. 11 Mar Nazi Swastika Private collection. Web. 11 Mar Nuremberg Laws Chart. USHMM Photo Archives. Web. 14 Mar Schmuhl, Lorenz C. Jews arrested during Kristallnacht line up for roll call at Buchenwald USHMM Archives. Web. 11 Mar