APUSH: November 3, New Seating Chart 2.Unit 4 Binder will be collected: Due on Nov Begin Quarter 2 with Unit 4… Election of 1800 Notes & Videos 5.Qtr. 1 Exam Results
Period 4: The new republic struggled to define and extend democratic ideals in the face of rapid economic, territorial, and demographic changes.
Election of 1800 Federalists –John Adams 1 st sitting president who had to seriously campaign to keep his job -Charles Pinckney Picked because of success from XYZ Affair Democratic –Republicans –Thomas Jefferson VP –Aaron Burr Popular politician within Democratic Republican party
Down and Dirty Jefferson was attacked by Adams and the Federalists as: Anti-Christian, Economically ignorant, Pro- French Radical, low morals Democratic- Republicans countered by claiming Adams: wanted to crown himself King, tyrannical, an elitist--favoring the Northern wealthy class
Party Beliefs Federalists: Rule by wealthy class Strong Federal Government Manufacturing Economy Pro-tariff Loose Interpretation of Constitution British Alliance
Party Beliefs Democratic Republicans: Rule by the people Strong state governments (states’ rights) Agricultural economy Anti-tariff Strict interpretation of Constitution French Alliance
Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr 73 John Adams & Charles Pinckney 65 Problem: – If there is a tie for 1 st, who wins? Who becomes VPOTUS? It goes to the House of Representatives to pick from the top 2 candidates…
Election of 1800 In the House of Reps –Most of the majority political party is Federalists: They refuse to vote for TJ, so they pick Burr. –The Democratic-Republican’s make up the rest, They vote for Jefferson What happens? –It’s a tie vote 30 straight times over 7 days…
Enter Alexander Hamilton Because he hated Aaron Burr so much… He got some Federalists in House to not vote at all so Jefferson could win. Becomes 3 rd POTUS Aaron Burr is furious He becomes VPOTUS