Compensation for Training Time TPS Approach* *Thanks to CPKN, Edmonton, Calgary, RCMP, HRDC, Police Sector Council, Glen Livett, Canadian Brewers, etc…
DEFINITIONS - HRDC page 89 Education emphasizes a rigorous but broad and open-minded approach to subject matter. It encourages an active and questioning role for the learner, the exercise of individual judgement and the development of broadly applicable skills. Training is conducted to teach employees to do specific, definable tasks. Training requires that a specific thing is learned and that employees understand the directions to carry it out precisely. Development is a series of opportunities for an employee to learn new skills and knowledge in preparation for individual career goals and/or organizational objectives.
Training Required by law, safety, performance of the TPS Mission, Not the same as Development or Education (See HRDC report), Training is on duty, TPS pays, TPS controls access, Training is issued by the employer, Member can be required to complete as a BFOQ, Education and Development are off-duty partnerships
Training Driven by… Risk Management… Workforce Development… employee performance required by organization to meet the Agency mission… Needs to meet accepted standards (Ont., TPS, practice and profession) Training costs Police Services for Delivery and Attendance,
Steps Define training duties Specify the time required – Calgary Authorize and Release the member from other duties to attend to training duties as we always have up to the time required Advantages… Agency controls Agency schedules Agency tracks Save cost in delivery and attendance.
Next Steps Intermodal modular training “Essential training model” Eliminate Barriers: Labour, IT, Legal, old fashioned Managers, lack of business thinking.
Suggestions Think of training like equipment, issued to meet mission by service and controlled and authorized by service, Use the solutions you have always used to solve traditional training problems, All of the problems in e-learning have already been solved to allow traditional training…
Training is a DUTY Assess the need for it… Plan it… Procure it… Authorize it… Assign it… Schedule it… Track it… Hold members accountable for completing it… Evaluate it… (Reaction, Learning, Performance, and Impact) same as before!
Be careful about Equity as a driving principle – workforce development is safer, Tracking training by hours – completion and achievement are safer, Ignoring the actual costs of your existing training strategies…
The future… Text… Sounds… Pictures… Video… Animated demonstrations… Testing… Performance support… In your pocket… everywhere!