Amphibian means double life 5,400 species Animals that spend the first part of their life in water and spend their adult life on land Examples of modern amphibians are frogs and salamanders
Specialized Body Parts Eggs do not have shells so they must be hatched in water. Young amphibians will live in the water until they develop into adults that can live on land They are ectothermic As developing young they have gills to breathe During development they often grow legs
Thin Skin – Smooth and moist, so thin water can be absorbed through it, no need to drink Lungs to breathe as adults Bright colors to warn predators that they have poison
Metamorphosis Most amphibians will change as they grow Salamanders begin as larvae with gills
Kinds of Amphibians Caeclians – From areas in Asia, Africa, and South America Over 160 species Look like snakes or earthworms Do not have legs Some have bony scales
Salamanders, 500 known species, most like prehistoric amphibians Live in moist environments as adults Most start with gills that develop into lungs
Frogs and Toads – make up 90% of Amphibians Found all over the world except in cold places Have strong legs, well developed ears and vocal chords Long sticky tongue Well known for nighttime singing using vocal sacs
Ecological Indicators Very sensitive to changes in their environment Thin skin absorbs any harmful chemicals As ectotherms any climate change impacts them