Amazing Anacondas WOW! Look at that! Its an Anaconda, by the end of this story you`ll be an Anaconda expert! They are amazing creatures. They`re the biggest snake in the world and they can grow up to 30 feet and 550 pounds! Now lets get on with the story.
Delicious! Anacondas always need a lot of food to get energy and have a strong diet for wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara(cousin of the guinea pigs), caimans, mice frogs, and even jaguars! Whew! Anacondas sure eat a lot!
What is this place? Anacondas live most of their life in the murky water of their habitat and usably like to live alone by rivers streams or lakes. They are fantastic swimmers and come from the Latin name Eunectes meaning good swimmer. WOW! Anacondas have really cool habitats!
Gotcha! Obviously if an Anaconda wants to eat it has to catch its prey first. They do it by laying in the water submerged and when an animal comes to take a drink it pounces and curls its long body around its prey and squeezes until it suffocates then swallows it whole in its enormous jaws. WOW! Anacondas hunt in a really cool way!
Look what I can do! Adaptations is what happen to animals over time to help it survive in its habitat. Anacondas have a lot. Here are some: Nasal openings for nostrils on the top of their head help it wait in the water for their prey and stay almost completely submerged. Bright green skin for camouflage, their great swimmers, have small sharp teeth for paralyzing prey, and can stay under water for almost 10 minutes. WOW! That’s really cool!
Conclusion And that’s all I have to say about Anacondas but you can still find out so much more in other books to! WOW! Anacondas sure are amazing!