Created By: Howie Reynolds June 2010
Introduction I am like a long slimy hissing stick on the ground. If you get too close I might bite. I am a cobra.
You Might Not Want to Come Here. Cobras live in India, southern China, Africa, the Middle East, and southeastern Asia.
Dots or Stripes? Cobras can be 18 feet long. They have hollow fangs that their poisonous venom can pass through. Cobras have colored bands and marking on their bodies.
What to Hunt? Cobras eat mice and small birds, frogs, fish and water animals.
What To Do? When they sense danger they show their hoods to scare away the enemy. Some cobras spit venom at their enemies. Some cobras play dead when they can not escape.
Fun Facts Cobras one hour old can already kill. Adult king cobras are 14 to 18 feet long. Females lay 20 to 50 eggs. They can stretch their rib bones to make their hood.