Hebrews th January 2015
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see
1. Faith’s Worship Abel offered a better sacrifice Not because meat was better then wheat But because it came from his heart Our worship must never become an outward sham
Abel’s blood cried out to God from the ground saying “guilty”! Jesus offered the best sacrifice Jesus’ blood cries out to God for us “NOT guilty”! Our worship is to offer our whole lives to God in service
2. Faith’s Walk Enoch walked faithfully with God His walk pleased God God took him away He did not experience death
Jesus always walked with God He conquered death for us so that we can live for eternity We are called to “walk humbly with God” – Micah 6:8 One day, we will be “taken up” to God
3. Faith’s Work Noah built a boat miles from any water He was preparing for an unknown future The ark saved his family The world did not believe him and was judged
People today are living the same way as the people in Noah’s time God has provided an “ark” - Jesus There is room enough for everyone Our work on earth is to warn people of the coming judgement
4. Faith’s Willingness Abraham was called by God to sacrifice his own son He trusted God and obeyed Him His faith was credited to him as righteousness He is known as the “father of all who believe” – Romans 4:11
God did not spare His Son Jesus was willing to die as a sacrifice for us Faith in His sacrifice brings a righteousness that comes from God Are we willing to die (to self) for Him?
5. Faith’s Waiting All these people died before they received God’s promise They were all strangers on earth waiting for their real home They were longing for a “heavenly country” – God’s Kingdom
Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s promises He has promised God’s Kingdom to those who love Him – James 2:5 He has prepared a home in heaven for us – John 14:2 Are we waiting in anticipation for our heavenly home?
6. Faith’s Wanderer Moses was raised a prince He chose to reject his upbringing and join God’s people He regarded disgrace for Christ as more valuable than earthly treasures He led God’s people through the Red Sea and for 40 years in the desert
Jesus had always been with His Father in Heaven He willingly left Heaven’s Glory for a life of poverty and death on a cross He calls us to take up our cross and follow Him – Matt 16:24 Our time on earth is a “wandering in the desert” until we reach home
7. Faith’s Witnesses Countless martyrs have died for God They loved God more than life The world was not worthy of them Their deaths are a witness to the reality of faith in God
Christians are still dying for God Jesus warned us that the world would hate us as it hated Him – John 15:18 You and I may be called to suffer for the name of Christ Only faith in Him will see us through
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see We can be sure of our home in Heaven and certain of the reward we will receive if we are faithful to God