Please do not talk at this timeMarch 20/21 HW: Cold War Paragraph due Friday! Please check your Lecture Notes All 6 Strategies of the Cold War Iron curtain.


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Presentation transcript:

Please do not talk at this timeMarch 20/21 HW: Cold War Paragraph due Friday! Please check your Lecture Notes All 6 Strategies of the Cold War Iron curtain Marshal Plan Molotov Plan Truman Doctrine Multinational Alliances NATO Warsaw Pact Brinkmanship Domino Theory Berlin Blockade and Airlift Containment Cuban Missile Crisis Korean War Proxy Wars Vietnam Civil War in Nicaragua Revolution in Afghanistan Espionage- U-2 Spy Plane Incident Berlin Wall Perestroika Glasnost Demokratizatsia Détente We will add these today!

Due Friday – Cold War paragraph – Your Rubric – Your soldier/peasant comparison chart.

By the 1970’s and 80’s … The Superpowers are Tired of War…. After fighting in Afghanistan and Vietnam, both the US and the USSR were tired of war, both were facing huge debt from spending money on the cold war and both were afraid an accident might happen with nuclear weapons. They began the policy of Détente: An easing of cold war tensions, led by US president Nixon.

Détente: An easing of cold war tensions in the 1970’s Begun by President Nixon Follows Khrushchev's De-Stalinization program where he tried to erase Stalin from Russian history and got rid of most of Stalin’s programs. Add this to your Lecture Notes

Détente Ends With Reagan He poured money into defense spending to build new military weapons and attack vehicles. The Russian economy can’t keep up, and the USSR spends more and more of the money meant for its people on its own military. The USSR runs out of money first. President Reagan was a fierce anti communist. Reagan’s Ray Gun

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): Star Wars "The weapons required included space- and ground-based nuclear X-ray lasers, subatomic particle beams, and computer-guided projectiles fired by electromagnetic rail guns—all under the central control of a supercomputer system.” By using these systems, the United States planned to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles while they still flew high above the Earth, minimizing their effects. At the end of the Strategic Defense Initiative, thirty billion dollars had been invested in the program and no laser and mirror system was ever used, not on land, not in space.

Mikail Gorbachev- Russia’s new President Gorbachev sees how much trouble the USSR is in and begins the changes that will end both the Cold War and the Soviet Union. Remember this famous Birthmark!

The Fall of Communist Russia Soviet Reforms Handout- Pg. 48A/B Use the handout to focus in on Key events, people and ideas from the end of the Communist Russia. These things appear on the test. Read the left hand column of the handout and highlight or underline key words. In the right hand column, record NEW information about Gorbachev and his policies from pgs in your text book.

Please trade your Soviet Reforms Handout with a partner… Please sign your name after the words, Corrected By. Please make corrections to this paper…

Video on the fall of communism… Add Perestroika, Glasnost and Demokratizatsia and their definitions to your map.

Perestroika- a restructuring of the Soviet economy to permit more local decision making and individual control of business. Glasnost- Soviet policy of openness to the free flow of ideas and information Demokratizatsia- Democratization or the process used to make a government more democratic Add Perestroika, Glasnost and Demokratizatsia and their definitions to your map.

Pg. 50A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries: Take up the whole page. Please set up your paper like this: RomaniaComparisonPoland What was life like before independence? How was independence achieved? What did the newly independent government look like? Use the handouts and your book starting on pg. 618 to fill out this chart. Then find things both countries had in common and put those in the middle column

Pg. 50A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries: Take up the whole page. Please set up your paper like this: RomaniaComparisonPoland What was life like before independence? How was independence achieved? What did the newly independent government look like?

Pg. 50A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries: Take up the whole page. Please set up your paper like this: RomaniaComparisonPoland What was life like before independence? How was independence achieved? What did the newly independent government look like?

With a partner… Get a placard on how Romania and Poland gained their independence from Russia with the fall of the Soviet Union. Read about each country and fill in the boxes on your chart. (left and right boxes) Finally, compare the two countries. What does their experience have in common? (middle box) Then, Read pgs and and add to your Romania/Poland Chart. Everyone needs their own paper but you and your partner can have the same answers!

Soviet Reforms Corrections:

Please do not talk at this timeMarch 22 HW: Test on Tuesday! Butter Battle Story End due Monday. To be Collected Tuesday: Pg. 49 (Break up of the Soviet Union) in your notebook. Pg. 50 Cold War Political Cartoon Analysis (we will do this on Monday) Cold War Map- and Lecture Notes Cold War Test- MC and Short Answer Test study guide ON LINE Now!

Please get out your: – Cold War paragraph – Your Rubric – Your soldier/peasant comparison chart. Staple these together and turn them in to the Turn in Box. Check for your Name! You will also need to get your map out.

Pg. 50A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries: Take up the whole page. Please set up your paper like this: RomaniaComparisonPoland What was life like before independence? How was independence achieved? What did the newly independent government look like?

Pg. 50A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries: Take up the whole page. Please set up your paper like this: RomaniaComparisonPoland What was life like before independence? How was independence achieved? What did the newly independent government look like?

Story Time: The Butter Battle Book- Pg. 51A Dr. Seuss wrote this book to teach children about the cold war. However, it was published before the Cold War ended. You will write a new ending for this book that covers the actual end of the Cold War. First, I will read you the story. As I read, record what each symbol and metaphor in the book stands for in the real life Cold War into the chart on your paper.

Now finish the story! Use the directions and the rubric on your paper to finish the story in a way that reflects what really happened when the Cold War ended.

Please do not talk at this timeMarch 25 Share your Butter Battle Book End with your partner. Share out with all of us! HW: Test Tomorrow! Map, Lecture Notes and pgs to be collected also

Pg. 50A Cold War Cartoon Analysis Use the BASIC method to analyze Three of the Five political cartoons of the Cold War era. Do this on a piece of binder paper. B ackground A rgument S ymbolism I rony C aricature

Please get out Pg. 49A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries, Pg. 50A Cold War Cartoon Analysis. Staple them together Check for your Name! Turn them in to the Turn In Box. Then get your scantron from WWII. We will use the back~ You will also need to get your map and your Lecture Notes out. Staple these together and hand them to me. Please do not Talk at this timeMarch 26 HW: Do Column 1 of your Asia Map

Cold War Test

When you turn in your test: Scantron to the Scantron pile on the table Short answer to the front table Test to the test pile And pick up pg. 51A/B for HW

Pg 48A Soviet Reforms Pg. 49A The Breakup of Soviet Satellite Countries Pg. 50A Cold War Cartoon Analysis Pg. 51A Butter Battle Book End