A different kind of AA Lesson To acknowledge our school And the things we take for granted Everyday.
Did you know... ? That turkeys can play soccer? Click the hyper link on the picture or cut and paste: v=In5s7r6JQW0
Did you know... ? That turkeys can sing? Click on the hyperlink in the picture or cut and paste this: com/watch?v=xpehjZ2 0j4M
Did you know... ? That it’s not how long you cook the turkey, but if you basted it correctly? Click the hyperlink on the cartoon or cut and paste this address: utube.com/watc h?v=s2n3mCjQa WA Sorry about the quality.
We are going to make some turkeys of our own that show our gratitude for the wonderful teachers, custodians, cafeteria staff, administration, and support personnel that we have at JFMS. The people here are Now, to get down to business!
Have you taken a look at our building compared to most other schools? Yeah, sometimes we are too hot, or too cold, or we wish we had a top locker, but for the most part, we are blessed to have this place. Not to mention...
Sometimes they can be a pain, but we have some truly And your classmates! students here! Have you ever stopped to tell another student how much better your life is with him/her in your life?
Let’s do it with turkeys!! Get in the spirit and let’s thank those around us who make our lives special and acknowledge the things we have at Jacobs Fork in which we take great PRIDE. Ready? Really? I can’t believe they want us to make... Now is the time to reflect and give thanks
You are going to share this with a friend. Two turkeys per page—we have to conserve paper, you know. Each of you will trace your hand on the paper. It’s tough, but you can get two on a page. Get a piece of paper.
Draw a beak, eye, snood, and wattle. Look it up. It’s a PBL thing.
Put legs and feet on them.
Take turns cutting out your turkeys.
I have some skinny, white turkeys! Never fear! We’ll fix that with some words of thanks and pretty colors!
Write “your name” is thankful for... in the palm. On each finger write what at JFMS you are grateful for.
Get your supplies: markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
Give those babies some color!!! Be creative!
This is our only waste, but recycle every bit and clean up your mess! Let’s take care of our school and our resources. Don’t be wasteful and please recycle.
Put your Thankful Turkeys up for all to see. Gobble
Do the Turkey! This is a classic funny high five that dates all the way back to at least the early 1990's. It's a holiday favorite that makes less and less sense the further you get from Thanksgiving (unless you live on a turkey farm, or your nickname is "Turkey," in which case people probably aren't high-fiving you much anyway). This funny high five is pretty much guaranteed to amuse you and random bystanders to no end. Here's how it's done: As your partner raises his or her hand, make yours into a fist with your thumb out and extended back to point behind you. Put your fist against your partner's palm -- your thumb becomes the turkey's head, and their palm becomes a fan of tail feathers! It doesn't hurt to say "gobble gobble" at this point. Either click the picture for the hyperlink or go to: Turkey High Five— share one with a friend.
Sing this song to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know it.” Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble says the bird. Mr. Turkey Gobble Gobbles, And his feet go Wobble Wobble. Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble says the bird. Start off slowly, then each time you sing it, go faster. It becomes hilarious. It’ll stick in your head. If you need Mrs. Sigmon to come sing it to your class, or if you’d like to hear her turkey call, just let her know. Silly Songs With Sigmon
What happens to turkeys who run away? Video: you know the drill
Make sure you take home the letter from Mrs. Jordan. Turn in your ballot for 2 nd Quarter School-wide Reward. Have a safe and worthwhile vacation with family and friends. Turkey high five someone today. Get that darned ol’ song out of your head. Gobble gobble. Lots of love to you! Happy Thanksgiving!!