Global Workshop on Development Impact Evaluation in Finance and Private Sector Rio de Janeiro, June 6-10, 2011 Private Sector Development Capacity-Building Project – Matching Grants for SMEs Ethiopia Impact Evaluation Concept Note
Intervention Summary Current situation: SMEs are not technically or managerially competitive with international firms Proposed solution: Assist SMEs by accelerating their capacity such that they increase quality of output to international standards Intervention is part of a three-component project Component 3: Ethiopian Competitiveness Facility Window 4: Matching grants for SMEs engaged in light manufacturing US$ 5.5 million in matching grants to SMEs with marketable business ideas over 18-month period Maximum $50,000 per grant, with 25% matching
Evaluation Questions Does the matching grants for SMEs component lead to an increase in sales and employment? Sales target: 10% increase Does targeted promotion of, and support during, the program improve uptake, efficiency of processes, and results?
Evaluation Design Option 1: Encouragement design (random promotion) Program to be implemented simultaneously across entire country No eligible SMEs can be excluded from applying About 80% of eligible grant applications will be approved Option 2: Matching with similar SMEs in different countries How to identify suitable firms? How to control for confounding factors? Option 1: Encouragement Design
Evaluation Design Promotion of matching grants program for randomly selected eligible SMEs (10-50 employees) Updated registry of all eligible SMEs with employees Randomly assign firms to treatment and control groups Start program!
Sampling and Data Expected take-up by treated firms: 80% Sample size: 700 firms (350 treatment, 350 control) Data sources: Business plans submitted by firms Dedicated surveys Customs and Revenue Authority
Timeline July-August: Intervention design, final IE design, updating of firm registry September: Additional Financing approved by Ethiopian Government and World Bank (expected) October: Baseline Survey Program implementation: November-April 2013 April 2013: Follow-up Survey August 2013: Final IE results and feedback into program design for scale-up
Team and staffing Project Team: Tesema Abebe Girmay, Tsige Bekalu Azeze World Bank: Asya Aklog (TTL), Miriam Bruhn, Marcus Holmlund
Budget Expected need: US$200,000 (mainly data collection) Sources: World Bank trust funds World Bank Research Support Budget External sources (?)