# of women responded; 53,384
Language of the interview #% Turkish 46, Kurdish 5, Zazaki Arabic Other # of respondents 53,384
Average Youngest 11 Oldest 108 # of respondents 53,318 Age
Marital status #% Officially married 2, Religious marriage Official and religious marriage 33, Not married, living together Married, living separately Single 11, Divorced Spouse deceased 3, # of respondents 53,263
Age of marriage #% 12 or younger , , or older 14, # of respondents 21,001
How did she get married? #% Arranged 29, Voluntarily – in love 10, Forced into marriage # of respondents 40,835
Form of marriage #% With a relative 13, With brother-in-law Kuma (co-wife) Berdel (exchange) To end blood feud Arranged at birth # of respondents 14,904
# of children Average 3.7 Minimum 1 Maximum 21 # of respondents 39,226
Any disabled individuals at home? #% Yes 2, No 50, # of respondents 53,382
Who is disabled? #% Daughter Son Herself Spouse Mother/father-in-law Mother/father Other # of respondents 2,365
Age of the disabled Average33.2 Youngest1 Oldest108 # of respondents2,296
Form of disability #% Deaf/mute Mentally disabled Physically disabled 1, Mentally and physically disabled # of respondents 2,294
Status of the physical disability #% Can walk 1, Can not walk, does not have a wheelchair Can not walk, has a wheelchair # of respondents 1,775
Rehabilitation Center support #% Yes 1, No 5, # of respondents 7,052
Age that she gave her first birth Average19.7 Youngest11 Oldest54 # of respondents36,562
Mother tongue #% Turkish 21, Kurdish 26, Zazaki 3, Arabic 1, Other # of respondents 53,321
Has she immegrated? #% Yes 14, No 39, # of respondents 53,367
Reasons for immegration #% Security 1, Blood feud To find a job 3, Marriage 6, Other 2, # of respondents 13,898
Education status #% Illeterate 14, Literate 5, Elementary school graduate 15, Middle school graduate 7, High school graduate 7, Vocational high school graduate College/University graduate 2, Vocational course # of respondents 53,267
# of people living at home Average 5.4 Minimum 1 Maximum 82 # of respondents 53,309
Is the toilet inside? #% Yes 47, No 6, # of respondents 53,380
# of rooms #% 1 room 1, rooms 9, rooms 29, rooms 12, or more rooms 1, # of respondents 53,192
House belongs to #% Rent 16, Herself 2, Her husband 18, Other 15, # of respondents 53,299
Employment status #% No income-generating job 46, Income-generating activity at home 1, Willing to work, but husband/family does not allow Willing to work, but can not find a job 1, Works outside the house 2, # of respondents 53,254
# of people bringing income #% 1 person 40, people 7, people 1, people people # of respondents 49,331
Income level #% No income 3, TL 8, TL 21, TL 13, TL and more 4, # of respondents 53,215
Problems of the neighborhood #% Water 3, Infrastructure 4, Hygiene 9, Security 1, Transportation 2, Poverty 23, Other 8, # of respondents 52,476
What do the women need? #% Job 26, Support to combat violence 4, Social and health services 5, Literacy courses 2, Park for children 4, Other 8, # of respondents 52,220
Can women benefit from inheritance in the family? #% Yes 16, No 34, I don’t know 2, # of respondents 53,220
What is the base of inheritance sharing? #% Civil law 11, Traditions (religion, beliefs, etc.) 4, I don’t know # of respondents 16,675
How is the inheritance shared? #% Equally between men and women 12, More to men 2, shares for men, 1 share for women shares for men, 1 share for women Other # of respondents 15,980