2 PRINCIPAL’S VISION Principal's vision is to create an IT community which works together, where students and staff use their maximum IT potential and skills to make the school as global hub of Information Technology.
WHY IT PLAN IS INEVITABLE 3 To equip the students with necessary it skills To ensure the persisting development of the students To ensure effective use of technological resources of the world To retain the market share in highly competitive industry To prepare Students for Global Citizenship
5 Strategies for integrating technology with instruction to improve students achievement. Strategies to ensure increased access to technology. Strategies to ensure students are technologically literate by the end of the programme. Strategies that encourage development and use of innovative strategies to deliver courses through use of technology. PLANNING
6 Plan must include an assessment of the services, hardware, software, and other technologies needed to improve education. Plan must provide for a sufficient budget to acquire and maintain the technology needed. Strategies for providing ongoing, sustained professional development Description of how technology will be integrated Description of process and accountability measures used to evaluate effectiveness PLANNING
Planning and Needs Assessment Vision, Goals, Objectives and Strategies Policies and Procedures Technology Infrastructure, Management, and Support Role of School Library Staff Development 7 OBJECTIVES
8 Technology Planning Committee Administrators Teachers Special Education Teachers Technology Coordinator School Library Staff Parents Students PLANNING AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT
9 Use technology effectively to promote parental involvement Description of technology types, cost, and interoperability Promotion of curricular and teaching strategies that integrate technology based on research Use of technology to collaborate with adult literacy
10 Technology Integration with Instruction (schools) Technology Access (schools & libraries) Administrative Support (schools & libraries) VISION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES
11 Equitable Access Data and Network Security CIPA Internet Safety POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
12 Telecommunications capacity Equipment access for instruction Equipment access for public library services Average age of equipment Replacement schedule Platform Special Tools and Innovation Staff Support TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE, MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT
13 ROLE OF SCHOOL STAFF DEVELOPMENT BUDGETING Telecommunications/Internet Access Equipment Software Maintenance Staffing Professional Development Funding Sources
14 Tasks Plan must establish clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology to improve education Plan must incorporate a professional development strategy IMPLEMENTATION
SWOT Analysis Variance Analysis 15 REVIEW, ANALYSIS AND EVLUATION 1)Planning4) Reporting 2) Publishing5) Comparing 3) Performing6) Rectification
16 Our vision is to create a community which works together to help all children …reaching their maximum potential!