Project for the creation and implementation of Serious Games in the context of the development of a free platform to strengthen the learning of Basic English language in public schools in Bogotá - Colombia Carlos Aldana
We may think we're pretty smart
But in fact … we have very little notion of how humans learn
Kids know! …
They play games
Until … they go to school
That's when the games stop And, often, so does the learning…
Book recomendation…
Experts from Stanford University say using games as an educational tool provides opportunities for deeper learning. Interaction and opportunities to make choices are among the virtues of the new generation of educational games, experts say. Taken from: education-tool html
The project Vision for the future: The development of a free Learning Management System with free materials to strengthen the teaching and learning of basic English in public Colombian schools. In the context of language teaching and learning interactivity is crucial. Traditional interactive materials have limitations in providing various types of interactive components and contents. In order to overcome such limitations and to maximize learning effects, this project proposes the implementation of serious games to potentiate the characteristics of traditional software and promote interactivity. The project will be piloted on a secondary school in Bogotá: Colegio Champagnat
Goal To explore the theoretical and practical sides of the development and integration of serious video games into the K–16 (kindergarten through high school) in the curriculum of a school (Colegio Champagnat) in Bogotá, and then expand this knowledge to develop a free platform to strengthen the learning of basic English in public schools in Bogotá– Colombia.
Objectives – Action Plan (phases) Enabling Objectives: (1) To research on different theories and approaches to serious game design and development. (2) To explore modern and current software technologies to develop serious games to be implemented in the specific context of the public schools in Bogotá. Terminal Objectives : (1) To develop a small trial application, SCORM compliant, based on gaming technologies. (2) To pilot the impact of the trial application in the context of a school in Bogotá - Colombia (Champagnat School). (3) To examine the possibility of expansion of this kind technological development to a much wider range of schools in Bogotá, with the purpose of creating a free internet platform to strengthen the learning of basic English language in the country.
Sustainability The project will be sustainable as long as some educational institutions show interest on it and hire the use of these new technological tools. The first institution interested on the project is the Champagnat School in Bogotá (Piloting place) The school has offered support to develop some interactive activities on the condition that the institution was allowed to use them for a period of time.
Chronogram Step 1 Week 1 (24/ /03) - Belgium Week 2 (31/ /04) - Belgium Week 3 (07/ /04) - Belgium Step 2 Week 4 (14/ /04) - Belgium Week 5 (21/ /04) - Belgium Week 6 (28/ /05) - Belgium Week 7 (05/ /05) - Belgium Step 3 Week 8 (12/ /05) - Belgium Week 9 (19/ /04) - Belgium Steps 4 and 5 Work in Bogotá - Colombia
stakeholders involved AVLM-training programme Teachers Principal of Colegio Chmpagnat Fundación Lingua
Staff development strategy as a permanent process 1. To propose an organizational structure for staff development to provide staff with the resources, leadership and knowledge to improve the learning of the students. 2. To create PLCs (Profesional Learning Communities) to work collaboratively and improve teaching skills and students’ academic performance. Through the PLC, it will be used specific assessment data to determine the student learning priorities, monitor progress, adjust curriculum (if necesarry), and assist in sustaining continuous improvement. Staff Dev. Committee Curriculum committee
Staff development strategy as a permanent process 3. To improve the learning of all students by means of the PLC and provide the staff with the knowledge and skills to implement the technological project based on interactive activities and serious games. 4. To provide technology training opportunities to staff that support curriculum development and innovative classroom practices to enhance the learning of all students.
Development target groups For this project there is a first level target group and a second level target group. Both are identified in this document as Staff members.
Integration on the 3 different levels Level I: real pedagogical innovation, teaching methods, assessment methods, teaching materials... Level II: professional development of teachers, and other factors like quality, diversity. Lvel III: policy-oriented project: it creates the necessary conditions to be implemented and continued in the long term
France - 19 th century: On how would be the teaching in 2000.