Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, WS 3: Structural Projects CASEE Conference BOKU University Vienna, May 20 th, 2010 Thomas Guggenberger
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Strategic development Where do we want to be in 2015, 2020? Aim, mission, strategy: Is our university/faculty fit to achieve these aims? Analysis of strengths and weaknesses: How to build on our strengths, how to overcome our weaknesses? Where to start? How to set priorities? Elaboration of projects, a development plan, implementation, evaluation, enhancement
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Staff management: Is our staff fit for 2020? Which staff development is required for the top management, programme developers, teachers, researchers, administrative staff? How to recruit new professors, young researchers, university managers, administrative staff? Data management: Is the quality of our data good enough? Is the effort to retrieve certain data appropriate?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Funding: How to increase the budget, how to distribute the funds? How to reduce the administration? Esp. for teachers and researchers? How to achieve more with fewer resources? How to raise the efficiency and the effectiveness? Organizational development: How to change an existing structure? Top-down or bottom-up approach? Change management or organizational development, participatory or non- participatory? How about the participation of different interest groups and students? How to set up a new structure/unit, which does not exist yet?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Quality management, e.g.: Education: Is our structure appropriate to develop innovative degree programmes which correspond to the needs of society and of academia? Do we have appropriate feedback mechanisms in order to ensure that the aims of our courses/degree programmes are met? Which measures are in place in order to improve the courses and programmes, the qualification of our graduates? Do we comply with international standards, e.g. of ENQA? Research: Is our structure appropriate to support the researchers in the management of research projects, in increasing the research output, in achieving external funds?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Quality management: Process optimization: Which are our most important core processes? Which are the most important support processes? (E.g. selection of new chairs, development of new curricula, introducing new staff) Are the steps, tasks and responsibilities well defined? Are there feedback mechanisms in place in order to find out whether the objectives are met? Which mechanisms are in place in order to improve the processes, to increase the performance with fewer resources? QMS: How to design and set up a quality management system for a whole university?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Internal communication Does every employee know what the university or faculty stands for? Does each group (teachers, technicians, secretaries) receive the relevant information? How to improve the internal communication: Bottom up, top down, among interest groups? Technology transfer and public relations How can the technology transfer be intensified and the co-operations with small and medium enterprises and the industry be strengthened? In which way are stakeholders regularly informed? Which information is given to the public? To which degree does this image correspond with the work done at the university? In which way are future students approached, which information do they receive?
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Ideas for future co-operations: Strengthen the regional cooperation: Similar background and interests Learning from each other: Good examples, exchange of know how and of experiences (reforms, projects, project ideas) Joint development (single projects, long term strategic co-operations) Joint submission of proposals (Tempus etc.) Access to the ICA expert pool
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Thomas Guggenberger May 20, Thomas Guggenberger Head of Quality Management BOKU Peter Jordan Street 70, A-1190 Vienna Tel.: Thank you for your attention!