Performance Management: Getting Ready for Accreditation Needs Assessment Survey Community Assessment 1 Online survey Open to anyone interested in this workshop Requested 1 respondent per LHD 52 responses Based on Turning Point PM assessment 6 questions – 5 ranking, 1 open ended
Q1. HD Overall readiness/accountability to implement PM system 2 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Commitment to implement PM system Performance managed for some priority areas Managers trained Managers accountable 83359
Q1. HD Overall readiness/accountability to implement PM system 3 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do PM system aligned with SP PM aligned with budget Leadership nurtures PM culture
Q2. Current status regarding PERFORMANCE STANDARDS as component of PM system 4 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Using PM standards Using relevant PM standards Set PM standards for specific time periods Leaders/mgrs. accountable to PM standards
Q2. Current status regarding PERFORMANCE STANDARDS as component of PM system 5 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Processes & methods for choosing performance standards Standards communicated throughout HD Standards communicated to stakeholders 23860
Q2. Current status regarding PERFORMANCE STANDARDS as component of PM system 6 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Training for staff to use performance standards Personnel & financial resources to assure HD efforts guided by standards 85042
Q3. Current status regarding PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT as component of PM system 7 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Have specific measures for all/most standards, targets, goals Collect PM data Training available for staff to understand PM/ use PM 8/ 8 22/
Q4. Current status regarding PHAB MEASURES related to PM 8 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do Leaders/mgrs. engaged in establishing/ managing PM system Non-mgt. staff engaged in establishing/ updating PM system 94051
Q4. Current status regarding PHAB MEASURES related to PM 9 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do HD has done PM self- assessment HD has current functioning PM committee or team HD has written goals or objective with time frames
Q4. Current status regarding PHAB MEASURES related to PM 10 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do HD has process for monitoring performance of goals & objectives HD analyzes progress toward achieving goals & objectives, identifies need for improvement
Q4. Current status regarding PHAB MEASURES related to PM 11 Fully operational SomewhatBarely does or does not do HD collects, analyzes performance feedback from customer or stakeholder groups HD documents staff development in PM
12 Topics to include in PM workshop Self-assessment tool Developing, setting org. objectives, measures, indicators, standards Linking CHIP to PM system Linking individual & agency PM Linking agency division & individual PM Software
13 The END (at least for the needs assessment part)