Technology Use Plan Beta Group Collaboration Sarah Miller, Erin Okazaki, Dann Mosteller
Rationale Provide students with meaningful learning experiences through the use of technology Validate strengths and weaknesses in order to reach the needs of students Integrate technology into the school's current curriculum to assist in meeting state standards Provide continual professional development to increase teacher knowledge of technology Improve school-wide participation by providing substantial support to implement technology in the classroom
Planning Team District IT Manager Curriculum Coordinator Campus IT coordinators Teachers (that meet considerations) a. technology application experience b. balanced representation in K-12 c. balanced core subjects d. voluntary with stipend or other benefits
Process Description 1. Create a Planning Team 2. Mission Statement 3. Current Technology Data within the Institution 4. Goals and Objectives 5. Implement Plan and Assess 6. Maintain Technology Use in the School
Vision Statement We are committed to provide computers for students to develop skills using technology to enhance and broaden their educational horizons. Providing access to technology will assist our students to meet and exceed the standards of all curriculum areas.
Team Goals Objectives
Goals Curriculum o Areas of greatest impact o list of priorities
Goals Staff development o Adequate Staff Preparation o Time Frame Pre-training Post-training
Goals Technology Standards o National and State Global Society o Local Community
Goals Maintenance o Tending to Technology Support o Efficient Troubleshooting
Example Technology Plan Goal In an effort to reach standard ______, Teachers of _______ will receive staff development within the first month of implementation with ongoing training and teacher evaluation for the next 5 months.
Objectives Student Centered o Facilitate Learning o Communication o Assessment o Projects o Courses
Example Objectives Students will be able to take __________ entirely online. Students will be measured for the knowledge of ______ with the use of _____ Students will communicate with teachers and classmates by using _______. Students will apply the use of _______ to support their learning goals or project outcomes.
Needs Assessment Staff Development Equal Application Distribution of Resources Schedules Support Staff Technology Crash
Professional Development Training before technology is implemented Support while technology is being used Opportunities for ongoing training
Evaluation/ Research Continual Evaluation; evaluate every couple of months. o Use of rubric(s) Do research to find out if standards are changing, or if national goals have been altered. Continual research of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff.
Timeline TaskAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAug Planning team meets and develops mission statement Tech Evaluation and Assessing Needs From Evaluation Determine Goals Implement Plan and Assess How Tech. is Being Used Maintain Tech. Use Scheduled Fac/ Staff Dev.