Essential Tools for Fundraising Staff Productivity Jim Lyons Pride Philanthropy
I.Setting Goals / Strategies: Aligning with System
Development Strategic Planning Translate System Vision into Actionable Initiatives Mission – Reason for Existence and Goals into a Simple, Compelling Statement Intended Impact – Accountable Achievements Partnerships and Collective Collaboration
Opportunity Assessment Projects Financial and Activity Goals Priorities and Objectives Timelines Roles and Responsibilities
II.Evaluating & Enhancing Structure and Operations
Assess Talent Staff Development Volunteer Leadership Succession Meetings – S.W.O.T. Online Surveys
Board Evaluation
Measure Satisfaction and Meet Constituency Expectations System Board Management Team Development Board Development Staff Nonprofit “Family” Donors Beneficiaries
Cost Allocation – Direct & Indirect Cost Analysis Staff Time Analysis Special Event Audit
III.Performance Improvement: Measuring and Expanding Success
Tracking Philanthropic Data Moves Management Dashboards Score Cards o Highlight and Measure Strategic Initiatives and Progress
Evaluating Programs Impacts, Outcomes, and Implementation Geography Needs and Interests Accountability
Managing Relationships – Donors & Development Volunteers
IV.Focusing on Metrics that Support Strategic Objectives “If everything is important, then nothing is.”
Overall Financial Performance Total Funds Raised Return on Investment Cost per Dollar Raised Budget Expense per FTE
Why Fundraising?
Culture of Philanthropy Board(s) Giving “Family” Support Number of Active Development Volunteers Number of New Development Volunteers Grateful Patient Referrals Gifts Attributed to Volunteer Involvement
Volunteer Connector $10,000 $100,000 New Volunteers $50,000 $500,000 $250,000 $50,000 $10,000$25,000 $1,000,000New Volunteer $250,000 $3,000,000 $500,000 $10,000
Signature Gift Donor - $2,000,000 Signature Gift Donor - $1,000,000 Signature Gift Donor - $100,000 Special Gift Club Donor - $10,000 Annual Gifts Club Donor - $250-$1,000 Signature Gift Donor - $500,000 First Time Donor Joined Annual Gifts Club Through Annual Appeal Development Director Solicits Gifts at Platinum Level of Annual Gifts Club Development Director Solicits for Special Gifts Club – Donor Said “Not at this Time Volunteer Joins Director to Solicit for Special Gifts Club – Received $10,000 Pledge Physician Joins Volunteer & Director to Solicit for a Signature Gift – Received $100,000 Pledge CEO Joins Physician, Volunteer, and Director to Solicit for $2,000,000 Gift RECEIVED GIFT! = Staff = Donor Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6 =Volunteer=Physician=CEO Impact of Volunteer Connectors on Gift Size “Converting an Annual Donor to a Major Contributor”
Overall Revenue Net Fundraising Revenue New Pledges and Cash
Staff Productivity Fundraiser Visits Solicitations per FTE Major Gifts Revenue Planned Gift Expectancies Proposals Submitted Proposals Declined
Top 10 Productivity Tips Set agendas 10.Set agendas for each meeting, including staff. delegated 9.For every task: “ Could this be delegated? ” call 8.Every day, call at least one donor. volunteer 7.Every day, call at least one development volunteer. Prepare 6.Prepare and prioritize Friday afternoon (or Sunday evening). Set and stick 5.Set and stick to clear priorities. Return 4.Return incoming calls twice a day, unless urgent. 3.Limit how many times a day you check . major gifts 2.Block an hour every day (door closed-no calls) for major gifts. Don’t 1.Don’t schedule every minute of the day.
Donor Acquisition, Retention, and Attrition Total Number of Donors First Time Donors Gift Conversion Rates
Institutional Relevance Dollars Received for Strategic Priorities Campaign Progress Towards Goal
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