Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Workshop Tempus BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? October 2005
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Situation in Flanders Spring 2002: rumors and talk Autumn 2002: definition of body of educations that the institutions want to offer April 2003: governmental decree BA1 started in October 2004 MA1 will start in October 2007
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Timetable at Ghent University Autumn 2003: programming the curricula Spring 2004: information campaign for new students October 2004: start of new programmes
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Timetable at the Faculty of Sciences Spring 2003: disagreement with central management about 3+1 versus 3+2 and uncertainty on the government level Autumn 2003: programming of BA curricula only October 2004: start of new programmes Now: programming of MA curricula?
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? 3+1 versus 3+2: the actors Boards of Education within the Faculties of Sciences Management of the Faculties of Sciences (Deans) Management of the universities (Rectors and their Boards) and the Associations Students Commission for Recognition (“Erkenningscommissie”) Government
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? The board of education: 3+2 Heterogeneous level of competences in sciences of incoming students versus higher demands on final competences that the university education has to deliver Visitations ask for a broadening of the scope of the educations and more “interdisciplinary” courses 3+1 is worse than 2+2: imbalance between BA and MA Visitations strongly recommend 5 year study
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? The board of education: 3+2 (cont.) International situation Hard to program a master thesis in a MA program that takes only 1 year Hard to prepare students for a PhD study in 1 year: not enough time to acquire the specialized competences Uncertain consequences of 3+1 for the status of our education on an international forum French speaking community: 3+2
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? The Deans of Faculties of Sciences: 3+2 Same arguments as their Boards of Education Unanimous voice All Faculties of Sciences should be treated the same way
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? University management: mixed opinions Rector is a very important player Issues concerning financing Issues concerning the relation with the “Hochschule” in the Association
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Students: mixed opinions Student delegations in Boards of Education: unanimously positive The politically engaged faction initially negative Now: all student bodies are positive
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? The commission for recognition: mixed opinions Advises the government, generally in the spring of each year, over the proposals of the institutions Generally recognizes that some science educations need a 5 year study Issues a stronger 3+2 advice in 2005 than in 2004
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? The Government: initially reluctant Worries about finances Generally a good European student Worries about perception of the public Worries about perception of the students Strong statements in the past continue to color the debate
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Latest developments in 3+1 vs 3+2 Provisional acceptance of 3+2 for all science educations, except geography and informatics Acceptance contingent on “Proof of Capacity” Commission of recognition will advise Modalities as yet unknown Deadline for the universities: 31 December 2005
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Mobility at the Faculty of Sciences Current situation: outgoing mobility in 3rd or 4th year can and should be improved incoming mobility: successful !
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Mobility at Bachelor level Bachelor mobility can lead to international orientation in the master programmes Bachelor diploma can lead directly to the job market. We owe it these students to offer them the possibility of an international experience
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Vehicles to increase quantity and quality of student mobility Create a curricular framework Create a network of partners Shorter study abroad periods Integrated programmes with double or joint degrees Correct use of ECTS
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Internationalisation at Home (IaH) English courses/options Teaching by invited professors for (short term) courses as part of the standard curriculum Can lead to BA at home – (part of) MA abroad
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Case study: chemistry General European framework: Eurobachelor 2nd semester 3rd BA-year: option “European experience” Small number of partners Students get a structured programme abroad that is well known at the home institution: more security for students
Workshop BA/MA: 3+1 or 3+2 ? Conclusion Mobility in bachelor programmes is necessary! Important experience for the student (scientific and personal) Important as a taste of international experience for further study abroad periods during master, PhD or job Important element in the accreditation of the curricula Important for competition on international (education) market