WOMEN CAN DO IT Serbia Group for emancipation of women HORA – Valjevo Association of business women PAZ – Novi Sad The Association of women SANDGLASS – Krusevac
CURRENT SITUATION Parliamentary elections – 21. January % of women in the Parliament (100% more women in the Parliament than after the last elections) – out of 26 members of government 4 are women Gender sensitive Constitution We have: Council of the Serbian government for GE Council of the Parliament of Serbia for GE Provincial Secretariat for labor, employment and gender equality Regional Department for Gender Equality The Provincial Ombudsman We still have no laws on gender equality The national action plan for women hasn’t been accepted yet (prepared drafts)
MAIN ACTIVITIES 6 two day base WCDI seminars 3 two day WIF seminars 5 two day WILC seminars 4 one day WIM seminars 1 two day WIM seminar 15 workshops 33 local actions (round tables, public forums, street campaigns etc.) TOT seminar and Evaluation seminar
RESULTS Directed attention to the problem of the status of women in media and the media portrait of women Continued the debate on the use of gender-sensitive language in the media Started talks on gender budgeting in local communities. Realized the GOTV campaign – increased voter turnout Improved the cooperation with the GE organizations and media associations, and networking and cooperation of women active in the LC Increased interest in the program – The WCDI trainers held 5 base seminars for union women and 1 for the members of DS 650 direct beneficiaries of program 250 direct beneficiaries of workshops 150 direct beneficiaries of forums 600 direct beneficiaries of local actions
RESULTS More than 400 participants in the GOTV campaign in 38 towns, 3000 direct post mail 2 “Women and media” round tables 4 weekly and 1 monthly paper analyzed for gender content 9 media houses and one media association (ANEM) signed the Codex on gender-sensitive reporting Seminar participants organized: 4 forums 10 street actions 4 initiatives for a gender-sensitive analysis of the budget Increased the visibility of women and the program: Published more than 100 articles on the WCDI program
FUTURE Sustainability of the WCDI program Securing support for future programs –Developed a strategic plan until Monitoring of the effects of education, upholding the signed documents, spreading of ideas and the woman's network at a local level Additional trainer education –Started the process Instigating voluntary engagements of the participants in spreading the ideas – by participating in the GOTV campaign and the local actions
94% of women are prepared and ready to take a more active role in the community WCDI will be promoted at EXIT’07 festival.