The Republican Experiment
Defining a republican culture After the 13 colonies came together to fight the British and won their independence there was an uncertain political structure. The Major question: What type of government will the American people have? Some wanted a republic which emphasized liberty and equality. Others wanted order and feared that liberty will lead to no “self-control” These conflicts led to serious political debates
Social and political reforms Republicans worked to reach equality by : - Destroying any traces of aristocratic privilege -Encouraging states to lower voting requirements (resulted in people moving west) -Moving toward the separation of state and church Some republicans began to realize their contradiction between their ideas of equality and slavery.
African Americans in the New Republic Abolitionist sentiment spread and African Americans began to demand equality and freedom. They proved that they were the same as others by the works of Phillis Wheatley (poet), Benjamin Banneker (astronomer), and Richard Allen (Founded Church for negro Methodists) In some north states slavery was prohibited. ( Vermont constitution of 1777 ) but they still refused to accept them as equals. In the south some freed their slaves but slavery proved to be too powerful for economic survival.
Benjamin Banneker Astronomer& Mathematician Phillis Wheatley First African American whose work was published Richard Allen Founded Church for Negro Methodists
Challenge of women's rights Women began to demand more of their husbands and society. Abigail Adams wrote a plea to limit the power of husbands. They made some gains in law and education but they were still defined as wives, homemakers, and mothers.
State constitutions By 1777, Americans wrote their own constitutions which brought out their social and regional differences. Each constitution had a list of basic rights and freedoms such as religion, speech, & press. Granted power to legislatures and little to governors. They were all on written documents because Americans did NOT trust power.
Document drafted by John Dickinson which was planned to protect the powers of individual states. Consisted of a congress and a one house legislature Congress could wage war, make treaties, and borrow money. Congress was NOT allowed to regulate commerce or collect taxes. As a result most war debts were unpaid and Europeans nations had no respect for the new nation. Articles of Confederation
Western Land: Key to the First constitution The main argument for the new government was: Who will own the western lands? Older states claimed them & other states felt they should be shared by all Americans. National government took the lands and said they will be settled systematically and will have FULL rights. ( Northwest Ordinance ) Also freed the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
Nationalist Movement Movement led by Hamilton, Madison, and Morris which called for constitutional reforms. Was caused by the Articles of confederation being too weak and due to the economic crisis. Republicans realized that change needed to occur if the nation was to survive. James Madison proposed a plan and argued that for a republic to prosper there had to be compromise.
Constitutional reforms Annapolis convention- > five states sent delegates to discuss ways to improve commercial relations. They agreed they were going to have another meeting in Philadelphia to amend the articles. Soon after that, Daniel Shays led a rebellion to overthrow the government due to heavy taxing known as Shay’s Rebellion.
Philadelphia Convention In 1787, 55 delegates met up to change up the Articles. They ended up drafting a new document known as the “Constitution” Madison proposed a plan called the VA plan which favored the LARGE states and consisted of 2 houses. Paterson proposed a plan called the NJ plan which favored SMALL states and had a unicameral legislature. Together they became the “Connecticut compromise” which provided a two house congress.
Compromising on Slavery How were slaves to be counted in the population of the states? Each slave was counted as three-fifths to determine the states level of taxation known as the Three-fifths compromise. The constitution STILL allowed slaves to be imported for 20 years longer (until 1801)
The Last details Delegates established that the president will be selected by an electoral college. For the constitution to be ratified 9 out of 13 states had to be approved. Some wanted to add a Bill of Rights, and others believed the constitution protected individual rights. In the end the constitution was fiercely debated for a year between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
Federalists and Anti-Federalists Federalists -Supported ratification and federal power. -They were mostly people who lived in large cities -Believed the constitution protected individual rights Anti-Federalists -Opposed the constitution - Most people who were small farmers - Wanted to add a bill of rights
Adding a bill of rights One of the most important Anti-Federalists arguments was adding a Bill of Rights. They believed the constitution did NOT protect peoples individual rights. After debates, the Federalists agreed to adding a Bill of Rights in form of ten amendments, which was drafted by James Madison.
Conclusion: Success depends on the people By 1789, the republican experiment was over. People realized that popular power could cause problems. They were hoping that the new stronger government they created would work.
Sources Divine, R. A., Breen, T. H., Fredrickson, G. M., Williams, R. H., Gross, A. J., & Brands, H. W. (2011). America Past and Present (AP edition ed., pp ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Vitale, D. (n.d.). In The Northwest Ordinance. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from inance/ inance/ Walenta, C. (2010). In U.S Constitution Online. Retrieved December 18, 2011, from