IEEE Society membership enhances the benefits of IEEE membership 39 Societies representing a full spectrum of technical interests Society Membership l Subscriptions and online content l Local technical chapters l Network w/ innovators, experts, and practitioners l Volunteering opportunities l Technical committees l Journal editors l Member-only rates on additional publications
21. Instrumentation & Measurement 22. Magnetics 23. Microwave Theory & Techniques 24. Nuclear & Plasma Sciences 25. Oceanic Engineering 26. Photonics (formerly Lasers & Electro-Optics) 27. Power Electronics 28. Power & Energy 29. Product Safety Engineering 30. Professional Communication 31. Reliability 32. Robotics & Automation 33. Signal Processing 34. Society on Social Implications of Technology 35. Solid-State Circuits 36. Systems, Man, & Cybernetics 37. Technology and Engineering Management Society 38. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, & Frequency Control 39. Vehicular Technology IEEE 39 Technical Societies 1. Aerospace & Electronic Systems 2. Antennas & Propagation 3. Broadcast Technology 4. Circuits & Systems 5. Communications 6. Components Packaging, & Manufacturing Technology 7. Computational Intelligence (formerly Neural Networks) 8. Computer 9. Consumer Electronics 10. Control Systems 11. Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation 12. Education 13. Electromagnetic Compatibility 14. Electron Devices 15. Engineering in Medicine & Biology 16. Geoscience & Remote Sensing 17. Industrial Electronics 18. Industry Applications 19. Information Theory 20. Intelligent Transportation Systems IEEE ComSoc
The Society embraces the science, engineering, technology and applications for transferring information by the use of signals: terminals, computers; systems and operations; transmission media; networks, layouts, protocols, and architectures IEEE Communication Society
IEEE Communications Society Membership makes you part of a community where you'll get: (for more details, please refer: Free Publications l IEEE Communications Magazine Subscription l ComSoc e-News l Global Communications Newsletter l A Brief History of Communications l ComSoc Community Directory l IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Free professional training and resources l ComSoc Personal Alias l Free tutorials l Tech Focus l Keynote webcasts Opportunities to connect and contribute l Chapters l Technical Committees l Standards l Awards ComSoc Benefits
As an IEEE ComSoc member, you'll enjoy many opportunities to network with technical experts... l IEEE ComSoc conferences, workshops, and Technical Committees provide you with countless opportunities to work alongside the industry's top experts … l The Society supports more than 100 active chapters internationally … l IEEE ComSoc Regional Committees and Regional Offices, members anywhere in the world … l IEEE ComSoc technical committee …
IEEE Communication Society Membership …. l IEEE ComSoc Membership: From 1 January through 31 December l To become a new member: - Communication Society Membership - Both IEEE and Communication Society Membership - Communications Society Affiliate Membership Please visit : Join IEEE Communications Society
Introduction to XXX ComSoc Chapter
Local benefits for Members (if any) l You may insert a photo representing your Chapter l Give a brief history of your Chapter l The Structure l Insert some photos of past activities organized by the Chapter. l IEEE National Society Agreements (please refer to notes) Joint Awards Established with National Societies ml XXX ComSoc Chapter
ComSoc Chapter Sponsored / Co-sponsored Conferences XXX ComSoc Chapter
Seminars & Workshops l Past l Upcoming Social Networking Events XXX ComSoc Chapter
Local ComSoc Chapter Statistic / Chart XXX ComSoc Chapter
XXX ComSoc Membership
Contacts XXX ComSoc Chapter Chair: Membership Development Coordinator: XXX Chapter formed in XXXX date IEEE Asia-Pacific Limited: Fanny Su & Ewell Tan