Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Science Simulations Steve Rawlings (Oxford) Richard Wilman, Sadegh Khochfar, Hans- Rainer Klöckner, Tom Mauch, Lance Miller, Danial Obreschkow (Oxford) Matt Jarvis (Herts), Filipe Abdalla (UCL)
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 In this talk Emphasise how imminent delivery of SKADS `simulated skies’ will provide standard input for quantified comparison of `competing’ SKA design concepts - needs high quality product, i.e. refereed papers (mostly to be published by next DS2-T1 meeting; Jan 2008) Use `continuum’ simulations (not described elsewhere) as example - last chance for input!
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 DS2-T1 Short-Term Deliverables: T0=July2006 Continuum Surveys – Oxford, Leiden, (Herts, UCL): Richard Wilman (Oxford); simulation deliverable T0+18 Ilse van Bemmel (Leiden); deliverable to be finalised (MeqTree Ionosphere module?) Line HI Surveys – Oxford, Groningen, Swinburne Danail Obreschkow (Oxford); simulation deliverable T0+12 Rense Boomsa (Groningen); deliverable to be finalised (High-res HI module?) Magnetism – Cambridge, Bonn Martin Krause+replacement (Cambridge); simulation deliverable T0+18 Tigran Arshakian (Bonn); deliverable to be finalised (Galactic Foreground module?) Pulsar Surveys – Manchester Roy Smits (Manchester), simulation deliverable T0+15 EOR – Paris, Lisbon; Paola Di Matteo (Paris), simulation deliverable T0+21
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Continuum simulations Rationale different from ‘Line’ approach (Obreschkow) Not DM haloes from Millennium Simulation ascribed HI, star formation rates and AGN properties, because insufficient FOV for SKADS benchmark But DM density field evolved under linear theory, populated with objects from known radio luminosity functions, and with other important physics (e.g. non- linear structures, source models) `pasted on’
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Basic methodology (Δρ/ρ) DM evolved under linear theory in each 20 Mpc/h cell Redshift In each cell, for each source type: Define DM halo mass for each source type and compute bias b(M,z) Compute mean number of sources above flux limit, n 0, in absence of clustering Amplify fluctuations in underlying DM density field: n/n 0 ~ exp[ b(M,z) (Δρ/ρ) DM ] Poisson sample the LF Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Parent Source Types Radio-quiet quasars: M halo = 3E12/h M tied to XLF of Ueda et al. (2003) `FRI’ radio sources: M halo = 1E13/h M Willott et al. (2001) 151 MHz LF `FRII’ radio sources: M halo = 1E14/h M Willott et al. (2001) 151 MHz LF Normal star-forming galaxies: M halo = 1E11/h M Yun et al. (2001) 1.4 GHz LF (low-L component) + PLE Starburst galaxies: M halo = 5E13/h M Yun et al. (2001) 1.4 GHz LF (high-L component) + PLE Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Double Schechter-fn fit representing normal galaxies and starbursts We assume LF flattens below L 1.4 GHz = W/Hz and integrate down to W/Hz (SFR ~ 0.01 M /yr) No need for an extra population of normal galaxies via an optical LF (à la Hopkins/Windhorst) L(60 μm) ‘normal’ galaxies starbursts Two populations of star- forming galaxies Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Results: 1.4 GHz source counts Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Results: HI mass functions Log M(HI) = *log L 1.4 GHz dex scatter From M(HI)-SFR relations of Lah et al. 2007, Doyle & Drinkwater 2006 Increasing z Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 March 2007 Release v2: 20 x 20 deg 2 down to 1 GHz v3: 10 x 10 deg 2 down to 10 GHz Simulations stop at z=4 Simple P(k), i.e. no Baryon Wiggles See the WIKI for full details and catalogue download Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Faint source uncertainty Star-forming galaxies AGN Hopkins et al model Models diverge below 1 micro-Jy due mainly to inclusion of an extra population of ‘normal galaxies’ in the Hopkins/Windhorst models This extra population may not be needed- at least locally, the radio LF of infrared-selected galaxies accounts for all normal galaxies
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Extensions: (i) small-scale clustering Aim, to `paint on ‘ clustering on co-moving scales < 20 Mpc/h (cell-size) Uses a smaller size cell (5 Mpc/h) and a ‘mass filtering’ method to identify cluster-sized over-densities (which we have checked follow Press-Schechter-like mass distributions) FRI/II sources (and relic/halo sources) added to the clusters following `known’ occupancies (although problem due to differences before/after virialization). Star-formation to be suppresed in cluster cores. Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Extension (ii) FRI/II structures: simple prescriptions PLS FRI : Log R(core:lobe) = 10.8 – 0.55logL scatter Γ=6 (for beaming) FRII : Log R(core:lobe) = -2 + scatter Γ=8.5 for beaming Hotspot:lobe ratio ~ 0.4*logL const Cores and hotspots: point sources lobes: uniform ellipses with varying axial ratio Pick-out blazars, core-dominated quasars, quasars and radio galaxies by angle
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Extensions: (iii) multi-frequency information SF-galaxies: -thermal free-free emission (α=0.1) -synchrotron emission (α= scatter) -free-free absorption for starbursts (τ ff =1 at 1 GHz) -dust emission Radio-loud AGN: -distribution in intrinsic linear size (ie simple radio source evolution model), spectral curvature (including CSS/GPS sources) -core-lobe-hotspot morphologies and flux division (lobes modelled as ellipses; spectral gradients+IC losses; environmental asymmetries) -Beaming of the steep-spectrum parent population (checked for consistency with high-frequency source counts) Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Extensions: (iv) Full P(k) Now (thanks to Filipe Abdalla) with added wiggles
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Simulation Deliverable (1 st Dec release) 20 x 20 deg 2 (released as overlapping 4x4 deg 2 tiles plus catalogues) Flux densities at 151 MHz, 610 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 20 GHz All sources included down to limits of LF (allowing user to add own flux density limits) Simulation performed out to high-z (z~10) Galaxy clusters with assigned radio source content Realistic source morphologies and SEDs: cores,lobes,hotspots, a simple source evolution and a beaming model Wilman et al, 2007
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 Catalogue format A common standard for SKADS extragalactic simulation catalogues Galaxy index to identify sub-component sources (cores/lobes/hotspots) to parent galaxy Source type (AGN/SF) and sub-component type Cluster Index Millennium catalogue halo and galaxy indices Continuum I[QUV] flux 0.61, 1.4, 5 and 20 GHz HI fluxes and profile descriptions Morphological info: ellipse PA, major+minor axes
Steve Rawlings2nd SKADS Workshop, Paris, October 2007 MAIN TABLE #0Unique source index #1Cluster index (0-no member, cluster index #2Galaxy index (0-cluster halo, otherwise number) #3SF type (0-no SF, 1-normal SF, 2-SB) #4AGN type (0-no AGN, 1-RQQ, 2-FRI, 3-FRII) #5Structure type (1-core, 2-lobe, 3-hotspot, 4-SFdisk, 5-HI disk, 6-diffuse halo) #6RA #7DEC #8Redshift (cosmological) #9-11Shape (PA, major axis, minor axis) (arcsec) #12-27Cont FD IQUV (200MHz, 1GHz, 5 GHz, 25 GHz) x4 #28-33HI Flux IQUV, centre apparent velocity, linewidth #34Millennium galaxy index #35Millennium halo index MILLENNIUM TABLE #1Unique source index #2Millennium galaxy index #3Millennium halo index CLUSTER TABLE #1Cluster index #2RA centre #3DEC centre #4Redshift #5mass #6Radius #7 Velocity dispersion