Human Rights and the Acoustical Society of America Edward J. Walsh Boys Town National Research Hospital Omaha, NE
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) 7000 members International in scope; 68% U.S. AIP (American Institute of Physics) association Standards Secretariat Executive Council (EC) - officers + 6 elected members Technical Council - VP, VP-elect, Chairs of Technical Committees 13 Technical Committees - arrange technical sessions at semiannual meetings
ASA Technical Committees Acoustical Oceanography Animal Bioacoustics Architectural Acoustics Biomedical Acoustics Engineering Acoustics Musical Acoustics Noise Physical Acoustics Psychological and Physiological Acoustics Signal Processing in Acoustics Speech Communication Structural Acoustics and Vibration Underwater Acoustics
Human Rights and the ASA Panel on Public Policy (PoPP) Panel on Public Policy (PoPP); prior experience in human rights’ realm Society President delegated responsibility to PoPP to explore the Coalition question and return a recommendation to EC Panel is small Discussion was energetic Enthusiastic advocacy for the initiative was critically important Discussion was limited to a small segment of the Society; is that good?
Questions and Concerns What does this have to do with acoustics? Would ASA be expected to automatically adopt Coalition positions? Would ASA be implicated by association regardless of disagreement re specific positions? What precisely is the definition of human rights? Aren’t subjective/interpretational differences problematical? Is such an association consistent with the ASA mission? Avoid radical activism Scientific societies should not associate with political movements
Human Rights Issues in Acoustics Acoustic weapons Acoustic eavesdropping Science censorship Acoustic harassment/torture Classroom acoustics Anthropogenic noise The right to acoustic …
Approval Process Panel voted unanimously to recommend that the ASA join the Coalition Aligning with Coalition at the affiliate level mollified skeptical members Energetic discussion among members of the EC EC unanimously authorized affiliation
The intervening year Participated in SHRC meeting last summer Successfully advocated for joint Special Session at the 159 th ASA meeting; (Science and Human Rights’ Coalition: The Interface Between the Human Rights’ and Scientific Communities) Small but enthusiastic turnout Great speakers
Was our approach the most appropriate?
Where to from here? Plan to organize an SHRC event at each meeting; a non-trivial goal (planning for Cancun has come and gone – problem of semiannual meetings) Regular contributions to newsletter; immediate plan is to report on the four SHRC working groups Encourage submission of papers dealing with human rights issues at semiannual meetings; a really tough goal to achieve