ATLAS Pixel Detector Service Quarter Panel Update And PP1 Work July 4, 2006 Pixel Integration Meeting M Cepeda, S Dardin, K Kennedy, R Post, M Pereira, J Wyckoff, M Gilchriese, J Alonso, LBNL Berkeley, CA D Laporte, LPNHE Paris
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Production Status and Dry Fits of SQP Final Integration of SQP delayed SQP composed of 2 OSP and 2 ISP panels which are ~80% of the work –these are produced in an independent operation, and this portion of production is progressing mostly without interruption, though some accumulated delays Primarily, this delays first article delivery, but does not telegraph directly to final article delivery –Causes problems on the CERN side of production thru delayed start –Potentially puts SQP integration on project critical path Integration delayed due to increased demand for trial fit of finished production SQP into Dummy PST on Real BPSS. –Proposed option to fix Type 0 barrel cables caused concerns for interference— solution exceeded design envelope –Have never fit the PP1 end with all cables thru PST
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Clearance Issues Clearance between Pixel Package and PST is 3mm –SQP with Cables have an envelope of R225mm Uncertainty in model v.s. as-built at the 1mm level –To validate clearance to the 1mm level, real parts must be tried. –Increased scope to include full trial fit of First-Article on BPSS into Prototype PST shell Confidence high enough now after the first results of trials fits to begin preparation on SQP-A34 for delivery as First Article –First (now formerly-first) article, SQP-A12 being used for Trial fits—will summarize activity in further slides –Will keep A12 at LBNL for further exercise in trial fit
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Trial Fit Overview A1-2 inners have been mounted on backbone An A1-2 outer has been mounted on the backbone with A1-2 inner A1-2 inners on backbone have been mounted on BPSS In general, the fit to nominal dimensions is excellent and there are only two significant modifications that are required –Open up the slots in the fiber guides on the bottom of the OSP and the top of the ISP to increase clearance for tubes. Might be OK without this but safer to open up –Tabs on CF bottom piece on ISP nearest IP have 2mm clearance holes but the tapped holes in the mating SLA parts glued to the BPSS are 3mm. Holes have to be opened or slotted from the low Z end. There are a few spots in which there is an interference of bolt heads(socket heads) requiring either cutting down the heads, changing to flat heads or some local countersinking. In principle this means that most structures are fitting together as planned—Cables at PP0 and PP1 are the issue
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Type 0 cable potential interference at PP0 Envelope is R225: PP1 Quarter plate outer radius (yellow) Potential mod to T0 connector exceeded envelope by 1mm Added tie-downs to connector plate also included ‘Envelope Checking Features’ Actual trial fit results follow
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Cable Clearance(1) Two rows of barrel cables placed on PP0 edge. Envelopes checked relative to SLA Strain Relief Structure SLA Part later used to verify SQP to PST Clearance
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Cable Clearance(2) Pile up at first connector can be made near same as at tab 0.75 mm shim fits comfortably under SLA tab.
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Cable Clearance(3) 0.75 mm shim fits under tab at edge Lots of clearance nearer center Spent 1 min arranging cables, could do better with some work, but not much Tab thickness is 0.75mm here Conclusion: have 1.5mm clearance to envelope IF CABLES ARE THE SAME AS THESE OR SMALLER
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL PP0 in PST Setup Shim backbone to bring clearance between outside of longeron on backbone to shell of about 15.5mm These spacers are 14mm high Double stick tape underneath Realize not in correct z position But easier to reach and measure On other end
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Results 4.3mm 4.2mm 3.9mm
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Gaining Clearance at PP0 Before Trial fit, investigated several modification options to increase PP0 clearance if needed Intended to determine how much needed from trial fit The overview of these mods are the following –The ISP is moved radially inward, tilted in the PP0 region –The tubes are moved radially inward, tilted in the PP0 region –The OSP can then be moved radially inward, tilted in the PP0 region The maximum additional clearance that can be obtained in this way doing all, is estimated to be 1.5 to 2mm Currently, only plan subset of these modifications (ISP mods) Preliminary trial fit showed good accordance with CAD Model, but still need to finish with both ISP and OSP on backbone
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL ISP Modifications (required) Reduce thickness of these tabs by 1.5mm. Chamfer edges Cut slot for 3mm clearance Mill tab and CF back from edge by about 1.25 mm to clear SLA
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL ISP Modifications(required) Put 1mm shim here between SLA and CF panel Cut 3/16” slots here and bring height of web to 5.75mm. All locations
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL ISP Modifications (required) Coral shim represent opto heat spreader. Add additional 1.25mm shim between heat spreader and PP0(preferred) or remake heat spreaders
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL OSP Modification more Painful Increase opening in SLA parts glued to longeron by machining existing parts or remaking(preferred) by 1mm in all tube locations Glue on 1/32” aluminum splints here to improve strength along entire length Remake or cut down cap pieces by 1mm Cut 3/16” slots here and bring height of web to 5.75mm. All locations
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Backbone Modification (very painful) Face down aluminum surface by 1.5-2mm Face down tabs by 1.5-2mm Cut down ground tree piece by 1.5-2mm
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL PP1 Clearance Wires outside of PP1 that go to LEMO connector, must be arranged to allow insertion Clearance for ISP wires between OSP boards and HX Tubes was insufficient—had to re-configure PP1 Quarterplates and Cruciform. Trial Fit with old quarterplates to verify nominal clearances and build tolerances complete (results follow) Trial fit with mock up of new quarter plate geometry in work New Quarter plate and Cruciform in production— available this week(?)
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL ¼ Panel Clearance-Orientation ¼ plates inside tube Extension rails can affect centering accuracy— adjusted them to help centering.
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL ¼ Panels Clearance - Measurements Point 1 Point 4 Point 8 Point 12 Point 16 Gap between ¼ plates and inside of shell averages to 3mm Centering of rails in Prototype Shell off by ~0.5mm (?)
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL PP1 Layout Changes HX Locations maintained—Only ISP and OSP Penetrations moved OSP got as close as possible to HX Tubes, ISP moved out as far as possible while still maintaining adequate Cruciform width
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL PP1 Insertion Configuration PP1 insertion can and Rail rider shown above Wires wrapped around can with new PP1 Quarterplate geometry End-view of Can showing envelope for external wires
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Work on PP1b region at Paris (LPNHE) Engineer, Didier Laporte, from Paris, working on producing both CAD Model and Physical Mockup Physical Mockup to be ‘Simplified’ with interference envelopes, but of sufficient detail to test Cable and Tube connections. Will use it to exercise connecting PP1 in pit Pictures of Model follow
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Pixel octant 8 Pixel octant 7Pixel octant 6 Pixel octant 5
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Octant 8 Map of Cables in tray to LEMO PP1b connector drives cable routing Cables connected in layers
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Conflicts Between Cable Boots Radial increase of PP1b required to remove interference between Boots of T2 cables on different Panels Have Request in with ID to investigate this, have tentative OK to continue in this direction Need to finalize formal request for this increase— preferably by next TMB
ATLAS Pixel Detector July 2006 ID Week Tech Staff LBNL Flat cables Beam pipes front plate Flange End plate Wall Simplification for Mockup