T he Istanbul Principles and the International Framework Geneva, Switzerland June 2013
The Istanbul Principles The International Framework on CSO DE Tools for CSO DE work Group discussion Outline
The journey to CSO Development Effectiveness Accra Agenda for Action Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Accra Agenda for Action Paragraph 20 “We will deepen our engagement with CSOs as independent development actors in their own right whose efforts complement those of governments and the private sector. We [donors and governments] share an interest in ensuring that CSO contributions to development reach their full potential.” Rather than calling upon CSOs to implement the Paris Declaration, the signatories to the AAA“invite CSOs] to reflect on how they can apply the Paris principles of aid effectiveness from a CSO perspective [emphasis added]” [§20a].
Challenges for CSOs CSOs struggle for funding CSOs in North and South need to adapt to changing aid architecture Need to define what an enabling environment for CSOs looks like Need to advocate for recognition of CSOs’ roles and voices Need to raise awareness on effectiveness Broadening aid effectivenes s debate : human rights, sustainable developme nt, gender equality Need for learning opportunities CSOs need to demonstrate their impact in order to secure peoples’ support Need to strengthen and clarify accountability Need to ensure impact for the benefit of the marginalized CSO Development Effectiveness
What is CSO Development Effectiveness? These actions for development will be effective if they bring about sustainable change that addresses the causes, as well as the symptoms, of poverty, inequality and marginalization.
Community Organizing Monitoring and Evaluation Research and Policy Dialogue Platform and Network Formation Service Delivery Resource Mobilization Information and Education Diverse CSO Roles
8 Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they develop and implement strategies, activities and practices that promote individual and collective human rights, including the right to development, with dignity, decent work, social justice and equity for all people.
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they promote and practice development cooperation embodying gender equity, reflecting women’s concerns, and experience, while supporting women’s efforts to realize their individual and collective rights, participating as fully empowered actors in the development process
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they support the empowerment and inclusive participation of people to expand their democratic ownership over policies and development initiatives that affect their lives, with an emphasis on the poor and the marginalized.
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they develop and implement priorities and approaches that promote environmental sustainability for present and future generations, including urgent responses to climate crises, with specific attention to the socio- economic, cultural and indigenous condiitons for ecological integrity and justice
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they demonstrate a sustained organizational commitment to transparency, multiple accountability and integrity in their internal operations.
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they commit to transparent relationships with CSOs and other development actors, freely, and as equals, based on shared development goals and values, mutual respect, trust, organizational autonomy, long-term accompaniment, solidarity and global citizenship
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they enhance the ways they learn from their experience, from other CSOs and development actors, integrating evidence from development practice and results, including the knowledge and wisdom of local and indigenous communities, strengthening innovation and their vision for the future they would like to see.
The Istanbul Principles CSOs are effective as development actors when they collaborate to realize sustainable outcomes and impacts of their development actions, focusing on results and conditions for lasting change for people, with special emphasis on poor and marginalized populations, ensuring an enduring legacy for present and future generations.
Critical Conditions for Enabling CSO Development Effectiveness Context – global and local economic, social, political, climatic crises, conflict situations, etc. Other actors – government, donors, private sector
First ever global statement from civil society on the effectiveness of our work in development A long-term reference for the civil society sector to guide our collective efforts to improve our work First ever global statement from civil society on the effectiveness of our work in development A long-term reference for the civil society sector to guide our collective efforts to improve our work 3 Pillars: - Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness - Statement on CSO Accountability, guidelines to implement the principles - Advocating to governments for minimum standards for more enabling environment for civil society to operate - Accompanied by 2 toolkits
The work ahead post-Busan Working Group on CSO Devt Effectiveness - Spearhead activities on implementing CSOs own commitments around effective development - 2 global focal points: - Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) CIVICUS - Platform to share good practices, lessons learnt and tools for the implementation of Istanbul Principles at country level
Practitioners Activity Guide : Collection of group activities to facilitate strategic planning for country level implementation of the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness CSO Wiki: Interactive platform and one-stop resource center for civil society practitioners who want to work on improving the impact and quality of their development work TWO NEW IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS! 6. What is coming up
Issue to reflect with the group - How do the principles speak to us/are they (all) relevant to us? -How do we make these principles work in practice/what is the current level of implementation within the FBOs? - To what extent are the IPs and to what extent is the International Framework’s understanding of accountability correct and comprehensive