Helping Students Spread Their Wings Kevin J. Powers, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(M)
Learning Objectives Acknowledge the potential for students in the classroom today to be a force for influencing the profession over the next several decades. Transfer information to students on opportunities to leverage formal and informal resources to assist with advancement in the field. Identify the importance of association among members of a profession. List the benefits of active membership in professional organizations at the local, state and national level.
Welcome Members of a very unique community.
Annually more than 30K people apply for admission to medical imaging and radiation therapy programs.
Less than 1/2 the number of program applicants are selected for program admission.
Approximately 13K individuals seek ARRT certification annually.
Technologists perform more than 1 million patient procedures daily.
Entry Into the Profession Entry-level education: Develop traits and characteristics of medical imaging professionals.
Entry Into the Profession Entry-level education: Connection to the individuals who came before us and an appreciation for the pioneers in the field.
Entry Into the Profession Professional certification: Acceptance. Identity.
Transitioning From Student to Technologist Moving from one identity to another.
Transitioning From Student to Technologist Organizational and social transition: ■ Formal and informal organization. ■ Customs and rituals. ■ Appropriate and smart behavior.
By 2025 Generation Y will represent 75% of the work force!! The Disconnect Between Aging Management and the Younger Workforce, B. Solis August 21, 2013
Work Years % of ARRT Registrants Silent Boomer Gen X Gen Y
Association We are all social creatures. ■ We develop and learn about the world around us through the filter of other people.
Association ■ Our connections to others are key not only to our survival, but also to our happiness and the success of our careers. ■ We seek out human relationships and connections.
Association Reinforces our identity.
Association Growth of social media: ■ Personal. ■ Professional.
Professionalism A profession requires the acquisition and application of a body of knowledge and technical skills. The individuals in a profession are bound together by a shared commitment. Those in a profession practice in accord with a code of ethics. Finally, a profession has a contract with society. Members of a profession regulate themselves.
Professional Association Members of a profession regulate themselves. At the root of professionalism in the radiologic sciences is our profession.
Professional Association Association survival is based on success in serving its members.
Professional Association
Being an active member in a professional association can: Connect you with like-minded individuals.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Connect you with respected colleagues holding differing opinions or perspectives.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Provide a venue to share solutions.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Help you find your next job.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Even set you apart as a thought leader.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Provide access to resources to further education and professional development.
Being an active member in a professional association can: Provide networking and camaraderie.
Association We are all social creatures. ■ We develop and learn about the world around us through the filter of other people.
Spreading Wings ■ What messages need to be shared? ●The future is very bright. ●Model the behavior of the best and brightest. ●Don’t be shy! ●Put yourself in positions to be successful.
Spreading Wings ■ What messages need to be shared? ●Monitor your presence on social media. ●Join – participate – lead: ▸ Within your current organization. ▸ Local professional affiliate organization. ▸ National professional organization.
Closing Comments
Learning Objectives Acknowledge the potential for students in the classroom today to be a force for influencing the profession over the next several decades. Transfer information to students on opportunities to leverage formal and informal resources to assist with advancement in the field. Identify the importance of association among members of a profession. List the benefits of active membership in professional organizations at the local, state and national level.
Helping Students Spread Their Wings Kevin J. Powers, Ed.D., R.T.(R)(M) Thank you.