2 1. Urban mobility plans in France 2. Challenges for an urban mobility plan in the Ile-de-France region 3. Key points of the new urban mobility plan in the Ile-de-France region
3 U RBAN MOBILITY PLANS IN F RANCE A legal requirem ent Main objective of these plans 11 points to address Public transport authorities in urban areas of more than 100,000 inhabitants must elaborate urban mobility plans To ensure a sustainable balance between mobility needs of persons and goods and the preservation of the environment, health and quality of life Reducing motorized traffic Developing public transport, cycling and walking Organizing parking provision Organizing freight transport and goods delivery in order to reduce impact on road traffic and environment …
4 C HALLENGES FOR THE URBAN MOBILITY PLAN IN THE I LE - DE -F RANCE R EGION Governan ce challenge s Mobility challeng es Environmen tal challenges An great number of key players regarding mobility policies : how to involve them in the elaboration of the document and in its implementation ? A forecast increase of mobility requirements (+ 7 % trips by 2020) Private car is the dominating mode of transport How to reach the Kyoto targets regarding greenhouse gases ? How to reduce pollution ? How to reduce accidents especially for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists ?
Productive system Local governments Working groups Inhabitants of Ile-de-France Political management Partner’s committee Technical committee A federative process THE REVISION OF THE PLAN : A PROCESS DESIGNED TO RAISE UP INVOLVEMENT 5
6 K EY ELEMENTS OF THE NEW PLAN (1) Mobility targets A pragmatic strategy of 34 actions Actions are based on good practice that should be generalized in the region + 20% - 2 % + 10% Mobility targets for 2020 Public transport Cars and motorbikes Walking and cycling Ambitious objectives in a context of increase of mobility Today In 2020
The highways network - support for all means of transport ( Putting in place a true multi-modal method for sharing the road network Building a city which is more suitable for pedestrian, bike and public transport Making public transport more attractive Giving pedestrian transport a greater role Giving new life to cycling Acting on the conditions of use for private motor vehicles Making the whole transport network accessible Rationalising the organisation of cargo flows, encouraging the use of water and rail transport A strategy which involves 35 actions to meet 9 challenges Developing a system of governance which empowers key players to implement the PDUIF Making local people responsible for their own transport 7
8 K EY ELEMENTS OF THE NEW PLAN (2) M AKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICE MORE APPEALING 1. Developing services 2. Enhancing the quality of service 3. Making the use of public transport easier Globally, the plan aims at increasing public transport provision by 25 % by It creates a new hierarchy of public transport services. - Main / new projects : a metro line in the suburbs around Paris, bus rapid transit lines Some major investments are planned to restore punctuality on mass transit railway lines Giving priority for main bus lines and tramway lines is a prescription for road operation All interchange stations should be enhanced in order to facilitate transfers between lines. Information will be easier to understand, harmonized in the whole region, real- time information developed Public transport will be accessible for mobility-impaired people
Making public transport more attractive Developing a reliable and regular public transport service which is adapted to demand –A hierarchical offer: methods and service levels adapted to demand geographic temporal –An offer which is understandable to travellers –A reliable offer –An offer with high quality service This will require a 35% increase in running costs Facilitating the use of public transport for all travellers and, in particular, improving inter- modal conditions. STIF, operators, RFF Objective: A 25 % increase in supply by
Actions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 : Developing a reliable and regular public transport service which is adapted to demand The Actions –Modernising existing lines (e.g.: RER master plans) –Improving services on existing lines (e.g.: frequency) –Creating new infrastructures The infrastructures included in the PDUIF are those of the Transport Mobilisation Plan, which has financing for work before (Arc Express, Eole to the west, tangential schemes ….) –Renewing. renovating rolling stock All rapid transport/ trains will be new, recent or renovated by 2016 STIF, operators, RFF A strengthened and better performing rail network A modern metro in the heart of the agglomeration 10
Overland public transport: from tramways to local services Tramway and T Zen: a structural transport offer Hierarchical and structured bus lines for greater effectiveness and transparency for travellers (with, for each category, minimum service objectives, frequency, scope) All TCSP included within the SDRIF are translated in terms of the service to be put in place within this hierarchy, to best adapt offer to supply of transport and the urban context. Action 2.3: Tramway and T Zen: a structural transport offer Action 2.4: A more attractive bus network STIF, departments, EPCI Lines of regional interest Express lines “Lignes Mobilien” Lines in the catchment area Strong Lines Local Lines Local services Segregated and integral structural lines Tramway TZen 11
Action 2.3: Tramway and T Zen: a structural transport offer The T Zen concept –a contiguous segregated corridor –high service levels –innovative vehicles –well equipped stations T Zen lines –new lines –existing bus lines to be transformed –sectors under investigation STIF, departments, EPCI 12
Action 2.3: Tramway and T Zen: a structural transport offer Action 2.4: A more attractive bus network STIF, departments, EPCI Measures to be taken by local authorities to enable the proper running of tramway, Tzen, Express and Mobilien lines Highway managers affected by these projects will take the necessary measures to guarantee the completion of the planned developments and ensure lines get priority at crossroads. Towns will adopt the municipal decrees necessary to organise parking along the corridors affected. 13
Financing of Public transport 14
The equation to solved to finance public transport actions for public transport –The financial investment required is massive –New sources of financing must be found Operating budget In 2009: €7.9B + €2.7B In 2020: €10.6B (Carrez report estimate) Investment budget The mobilisation plan alone envisages investment of almost €19B by
16 K EY ELEMENTS OF THE NEW PLAN (3) DEVELOPING WALKING AND CYCLING 1. Reducing speed limit on local roads 2. Achieving a cycling network at the regional scale 3. Developing parking provision for bicycles It is recommended that on local roads in urbanized areas, speed limit should be limited to 30 km/h in order to secure walking and cycling. This network consists of km of dedicated lanes. At local level, it should be completed by reducing speed limit or with other appropriate measures. Some of these measures are prescriptions for local authorities - Achieving a minimal number of parking places for bicycles in new buildings - Reserving a part of on street parking provision to bicycles Developing parking lots for bicycles at all public transport stations
17 K EY ELEMENTS OF THE NEW PLAN (4) G OVERNANCE OF IMPLEMENTATION 1. Management at the regional level 2. Involvement of all the key players 3. Monitoring of the implementati on Steering committees (political and technical) Taking decision to change the content of actions, the subsidies policy, the technical assistance of actions are not implemented A continuous appraisal of how actions are implemented and of their effects on mobility A regular information (every year) of the results of this appraisal towards local authorities in particular Inter-municipalities are in charge of the elaboration of local urban mobility plans Incentives to action : subsidies policy, technical assistance, creation of a label for good practice