FAST Government Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Gregory G. Curtin, Ph.D., JD World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government Founder and Managing Director Civic Resource Group, USA April 11, 2012
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Introduce the Concept of FAST Government Explore the Relevance of Open Data for FAST Government Engage YOU in Shaping the FAST Government Framework – Examples, Case Studies – Partnering, Pilots, Workshops – Feedback, Suggestions, Critiques – Other Ideas Goals
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled FAST Government is not about “speed”— although who wouldn’t want faster response times, speedier service delivery, or more timely decisions FAST Government is about creating models for Open, Effective, Engaging and Responsive Government that reflects 21 st century needs and opportunities FAST Government
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled New Framework for Open Government in the Digital World—F.A.S.T. – Flat – Agile – Streamlined – Tech-enabled Spearheaded by the World Economic Forum, Global Council on the Future of Government Truly Transformational: Beyond E-Government, Post Gov 2.0, Post Global Recession FAST Government
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled “Flatter” in four key areas Citizen engagement Administrative efficiency Decision-making processes Intergovernmental and cross-sectoral collaboration Open Data Relevancy: Transparency, participation, economic development, accountability, interoperability FAST—Government Must be Flatter
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled “Agile” governments… Leverage networks Effectivey organize…and “de”-organize around changing needs and opportunities Develop agile workforces—mobile, tech savvy, multi-faceted, team oriented Embrace flexible regulatory and legal frameworks that foster innovation Engage at any time, at any place, in the manner most appropriate for the context Open Data Relevancy: Real time, user generated/ crowd-sourced, predictive, etc. FAST—Government Must be Agile
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Streamlined… Decision making Business processes and operations Communications—internal, cross-governmental, external Data and information gathering, sharing, dissemination Collaboration, cooperation Open Data Relevance: Analytics, incentivization, reduction in duplication/redundancy, etc. FAST—Government Must be Streamlined
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Tech Enabled… Tech savvy workforce—recruiting, hiring, training, advancement Real time—not only data, but real time decisions, service delivery, engagement Connected—mobile, social, web Technology is infused in government processes, service delivery, communications Open Data Relevancy: Holistic view of “government,” data driven content/processes/ services, true interoperability, etc. FAST—Tech-enabled Throughout
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled “Open data is an approach to managing data so that it enables the structured free flow of non-sensitive information to those who have a need or interest in reusing it, both within and across government agencies and to the public.” IBM Institute for Public Value Open Data for FAST Government
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled National Open Data Initiatives Bahrain Open Data Platform
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled National Open Data Initiatives Kenya Open Data US
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled National Open Data Initiatives Greece GeoData Moldova Australia
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Local, Regional Open Data Examples Chicago Paris
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Local, Regional Open Data Examples Helsinki Linz
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Private/NGO Sector Initiatives Open Data Belgium World Bank Open Data Albania
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled FAST Government as an Advanced State of Governance whereby Governments “Shepherd”: – Better Delivery of Public Services: Efficiency, Productivity, and Quality – Open, Transparent, Accountable Government – Greater and More Meaningful Participation – Innovation: Economic, Societal, Government Bottom Line: Improved Quality of Life, Citizen Participation, Economic Development FAST Government
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Promote Public Transit, Alternative Forms of Transportation, “Green” Mobility Stimulate Economic Activity in Underserved Areas of Los Angeles Promote Cultural Tourism throughout the LA Region Case Study: Los Angeles County
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Los Angeles County Metro Open Data LA Metro Open Data Portal Open GIS Data Metro Transit APIs
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Metro Geo-Social Interactive Mapping System Direct public engagement and participation Channel stakeholders to other activities
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled 1. Interactive Mapping 1 2. Social Commenting System Info/Data Micro-Portal Metro Geo-Social Interactive Mapping System
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Experience Los Angeles—Cultural Tourism Open data/open platform for Los Angeles Region Cloud data, APIs, mobile enablement, social User generated and crowd-sourced data platform Metro, County, City data
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled 1. Mobile Applications Interactive Mapping with Real-Time Transit Data 3 3. User/Crowd Sourced Calendar System Experience Los Angeles: Digital Ecosystem
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Outcome: Funded Pilot for All of Southern California Experience Southern California!
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled FAST Government Embodies More Open and Transparent Government Encourages More Connected Governance and Citizen Participation Open Data and Information are the Foundation Cloud Technologies and Web 2.0/3.0 Approaches Make FAST Gov Feasible Leadership and Innovation are Required to Make it All Happen Concluding Observations—FAST Gov
FAST Government | Flat, Agile, Streamlined, Tech-enabled Questions? Feedback? Ideas for Case Studies, Partnering? Gregory Curtin Thank You!