Hello and Welcome To our Unit 5 Live Seminar! We will start promptly at 8:00 PM ET
Review Unit 4 –We evaluated the importance of maintaining professional ethics in the early childhood care profession. –We applied these ethical principles to real-life practice.
Reviewing NAEYC’s Core Values of Ethical Behavior* 1.Appreciating childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle 2.Basing our work with children on knowledge of child development 3.Appreciating and supporting the close ties between the child and family 4.Recognizing that children are best understood and supported in the context of family, culture, community, and society 5.Respecting the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague) 6.Helping children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard *Retrieved on 10/ from
Preview of Unit 5 Part of Professionalism is advocating for children and families. Why advocate for children? How do we advocate? How can you make a difference?
The work of a childcare professional is never done! There is so much more to caring for children than what most people do each day. There are too many of children in our cities, state, and country that are: homeless, hungry, unhealthy, abused and or neglected. Children are unable to defend themselves, so we must act on their behalf. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Time to share! Children need advocates to speak for them and their families on many issues, can you list a few?
More sharing! Have you ever acted as an advocate for anyone? (in or outside of the child care environment?) Please share your experience.
Why Advocate for Children? Advocacy for children and families can be provided on many levels. Decisions made by government officials affect children and their families. Early childhood professionals need to be the lead voice on what policies are needed to promote the goal of a well- financed, high quality system of early childhood education for all children.* Effective public policy advocacy work requires intentionality, which in turn requires organization.* * From the NAEYC Affiliate Public Policy Tool Kit (2004)
What about you? What personal qualities do you feel you possess that would make you a successful advocate for children and their families?
How do we advocate? Some strategies that we can use to advocate for children and families includes: Being passionate about what we do We need to pass on information and be a bridge between the state and the community Mobilize the community to care by educating them Providing Advocacy Workshops Coordinator's meetings
How would you advocate? If you were to become an advocate, would you choose to be an advocate on the state or community level? Why?
Week of the Young Child In 2011, Week of the Young Child will be April How can you use this week to advocate for young children? Any ideas?
How to Raise Public Awareness Invite community members to visit high- quality programs with open houses Publicly recognize those who work with and for young children in your community Promote partnerships with business and community leaders by holding meetings or contacting the local newspaper to do a story on the Young child.
Promoting Public Policy and Advocacy Have the Governor or Mayor Issue a Proclamation in your town about Young Child Week by writing him/her a letter Honor Children's Champions Mobilize families to contact their local representatives to support programs that help parents and children Recruit families to join grassroots advocacy efforts during the Week of the Young Child.
Things to remember this week: Read Chapter 13, pp Visit the Website for the organization Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families g g Discussion question Attend live seminar or do option 2 Project this week Writing a letter to your senator or representative.
Project Information You will go to The Library of Congress located at and research bill related to education. Write a hypothetical letter to your state representative and/or senator tin advocacy for or against the bill. When submitting your letter to your instructor, please include a copy of the bill in which you researched. Visit the Kaplan Library and use your textbook to learn more about the bill that you advocating for. Your letter should be 1 to 2 pages, in APA style. Include a cover page and a reference page.APA style Have you started thinking about this? What are your thoughts? Any questions?