Organisational culture, climate & stress Emma Wadsworth
What is organisational culture? Shared beliefs, attitudes, values, and norms of behaviour the way things are done around here, and the way things are understood, judged, and valued Safety culture describes: Shared attitudes, values and beliefs in relation to safety within an organisation
Why is safety culture important? Poor safety culture has been associated with: Industrial disasters (Chernobyl, Columbia, Clapham Junction) Workplace accidents & injuries
How is safety culture measured? Most often measured using an employee climate survey to give a snapshot of current safety culture Safety climate is a current-state reflection of underlying safety culture
What does a climate survey measure? Employee perceptions of: Organisational commitment to safety Line management commitment to safety Supervisors role Personal role Workmates influence Competence Risk taking behaviour Obstacles to safety Reporting accidents General job satisfaction From: HSE Climate Survey Tool
Findings from a recent study: Safety performance Safety culture H&S advice Funded by:
Participants Two groups of workers completed safety climate questionnaires: 1752 from 33 UK firms 475 as part of a general workers sample
How much stress? Described their job as very or extremely stressful: Firms sample – 15% Range – 0% to 31% General sample – 18% Overall – 16%
Safety culture and stress Work stress is linked to: Safety culture overall Specific aspects of culture including: Management approach to safety Individual (own & others) behaviour Job satisfaction Factors also linked to sickness absence
Safety culture & stress
Conclusions Work stress is linked to organisational culture or perceptions of the way we do things round here Work stress is also linked to other factors e.g. job demand Perceptions vary at an individual level within organisations or sections
Implications Improvements in one area may have significant knock-on effects Culture Risk taking Line management Job satisfaction SupportControlDemand