GEOSCOPE and GEOSS JEAN-PA Jean-Paul Montagner, Geneviève Roult Dept. Sismologie, I.P.G., Paris; France E.O.S.T., Strasbourg; I.R.D., C.E.A./DASE; I.P.E.V.; C.N.E.S.
GEOSCOPE: state-of-the-art - launched in goal: 25 VBB stations => 30 (FDSN Standards) - active member of FDSN - New challenges: Quality not Quantity - Evolution: Science-driven Program -> Delivery of Benefits to Society (GMES, GEOSS) -> New Services GEOSCOPE, typical network faced to new mandates
Multiparameter Stations Spectrum after correction of atmospheric pressure effect clearly shows free oscillation peaks of the Earth. (Roult & Crawford, 2000) beofre correction of atmospheric pressure After correction of atmospheric pressure 0Sl0Sl l
Coordination with other fields in geo-environment
I.O.N. ( International Ocean Network) -> O.R.I.O.N.
Ocean Bottom Observatories NERO Ninety East Ridge Observatory partners IPGP/JAMSTEC/IFREMER Station NERO
NERO observatory (in 2008)
GEOSC0PE and SCIENCE - Structure of the Earth - Seismic sources Importance of very long period data (successor to STS1?)
Study of Sumatra earthquake (26 december 2004) GEOSCOPE and Source Investigations (Roult and Clévédé, 2005 ; Park et al., Science, 2005)
Sumatra-Andaman earthquake 26 December ’ 44.2’ 20.9’ r=0.05mm 0T20T2 2S12S1 0S30S3 0S20S2 0T40T4 1S21S2 0S50S5 0S00S0 0S40S4 3 S 1 2 S 2 1 S 3 0T30T3 35.6’ STS1
Estimation of the Sumatra earthquake size Roult & Clévédé mode 0 S 0 mode 1 S 0 = 60° pour 0 S 0, ~119° pour 1 S 0 t ~ 200s, 1200km f = mHz f = mHz = t 0 bf - t 0 hf ) rapport data/synth ~2.01 pour 0 S 0 ~1.60 pour 1 S 0 J.Park
NERO IOTWS (Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) for South-West Indian Ocean
GEOSCOPE AND GEOSS - 30 VBB stations (FDSN standards) - Data freely accessible - Strong involvement in CTBT, NERIES - Participation to IOTWS (Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) for SWIO Goals: To complete multiparameter stations (for geo-environment), real-time transmission Extension toward ocean (and toward space), Early warning system. New VLP seismometer.
G E O S C O P E EOSS NEW CHALLENGE: - To continue Instrumental and Basic Research. - To deliver new products, services and benefits to Society in the framework of GMES and GEOSS. Constant Budget and Personnel? Difficult but exciting task for GEOSSCOPE!
Daily spectrum before pressure correction Daily spectrum After pressure correction Roult & Crawford, 2000 the ‘Seismic Hum’ à TAM/Tamanrasset de 1994 à 1998 fréquence (mHz) fréquence (mHz)