Kaluga region
Location of the region on the map of Russia The Kaluga region covers an area of 29,8 thousand sq. km, the population is 1,1 million
Administrative and territorial division Kaluga region divides into 24 districts. Local self-government is represented by 45 municipalities. The largest cities of the Kaluga region: 4Kaluga Obninsk Ludinovo Kirov
Gross Regional Product
Industrial output
Agriculture (thousand hectares)
Main fields of scientific research in the region 4nuclear power engineering and problems of security 4radiation medicine 4hydrometeorology and ecology 4agricultural meteorology 4up-to-date chemical products 4industrial technologies 4instrument making 4technologies of live-stock vital functions support
Structure of investments
Legislative support of investments ubudget credit granting on a competitive basis ucredit granting, tax deferrals and down payment of taxes and dues being enlisted to the regional budget uadministration of guarantees on discharge of debtors` obligation to their creditors
Banking System There are 32 banks and branches in the Kaluga Region
Foreign trade Exports 4timber, pulp and paper industry products 4metal and ceramic products 4complete sets for automobile industry 4vodka Imports 4transports 4foodstuffs 4threads 4medicines 4equipment
Region Development Department Stary Torg, 2 Kaluga Russia phone: Kaluga region