Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary By Sam, Alivia, Lauren, and Missy
Founders Theresa Maxis St. Alphonsus Liquoria Louis Florent Gillet
Lifestyle/Rules/Vows Live in community that is supported by energized prayer. Desire to teach the gospel’s values and foster faith. Vows Chastity Poverty Obedience Hospitality Simplicity Service And Devoted to Charity
Process to join the IHM Initial Dialogue When a woman is interested in entering the Congregation, she meets with the Director of Vocations over a period of time. This allows the director to get a general impression of her and gives the woman an opportunity to explore the life of the community and to observe the spirit and charism as it is lived among the sisters. In the dialogue the woman and Vocation Director look for a good fit with the IHM sisters. Affiliate Process The affiliate phase is a more direct step toward entrance. The woman meets with the Vocation Director on a regular basis and also works with a sister mentor. During this time she and the Vocation Director continue to explore her desires, talents and skills to make sure they are a good fit with IHM. It is time of mutual discernment. When both determine that the woman is sufficiently ready, she begins the process of application for candidacy.
IHM Congregation Mission Statement Our mission as Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Scranton, Pennsylvania, is to follow Jesus as a community of disciples, aware that we are sent to be a clear and understandable prophetic witness to the presence of God in the world. Inspired by the missionary zeal of our founders, Reverend Louis Florent Gillet, C.Ss.R., and Mother Theresa Maxis Duchemin, I.H.M. we strive to be faithful to our charism: to rejoice and to share in Jesus' redemptive mission to proclaim the Good News of God's universal love and to recreate the face of the earth. We are an apostolic religious institute characterized by joyful, loving, hospitable, and self-emptying service to the people of God. All our ministries are works for justice and peace, they receive and give life in relation to the depth of our spiritual union with Jesus and our participation in his mission. In the power of Jesus and with devotion to Mary, we live chastity, poverty and obedience as prophetic signs of hope in our world. We acknowledge our need to manifest concern, service and advocacy for the economically poor. Relying always on God's providence, we will continue to serve God's people in a variety of ministries, living and working lovingly among all persons.
Interesting Facts IHM Sisters or SSIHM is the often-used acronym for Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Motherhouse is located in Monroe MI. Their community included over 420 vowed sisters. They have approximately 120 associates- lay women and men of all faith traditions who are formally associated with IHM congregation. Approximately 200 sisters reside in the Motherhouse (median age 84) and, of these, about 120 require supportive care. SSIHM employs over 245 staff, most of whom work on the Monroe, MI campus.
Order as it is Today Number of members More than 400 in 30 dioceses Activities Feed Clothe Educate Pray for, or with Feel the pain of Present to someone (They reach out with healthcare services, social services, and spiritual services.)
Saints Immaculate Heart of Mary Saint Alphonsus Saint Teresa of Avilla
Current Leaders The six sisters elected are Mary Jane Herb, IHM, president; Sharon Holland, IHM, vice president; Helen Ingles, IHM, chief financial officer; Margaret Alandt, IHM, mission councilor; Mary Ann Bredice, IHM, mission councilor; and Patricia McCluskey, IHM, mission councilor. The new IHM Leadership Council members will assume their positions on July 1.